Platinum–iridium, alloy of platinum containing from 1 to 30 percent iridium, used for jewelry and surgical pins. Welding is possible using the hydrogen torch or a laser. Pt/Co cannot easily be welded using the torch. One feature of these alloys is the fact that they can be age hardened.

* alloys usually found and manufactured in the Japanese market and may be seen as imports in the U.S. market. It is generally used as an alloying metal for Copper, Iron, and Platinum.

It has a Vickers hardness of 90, can be soldered, welded and forged. 950 Platinum-ruthenium alloy is the opposite. We also offer an online orchid community which has emerged from this project. The ideal composition for a Pt/lr system has been the 900/100 alloy.

Termed an alloy, it is simply two or more metals brought together. Privacy Policy Casting should be done with atmosphere control or vacuum. More jewelers are carrying platinum jewelry, and consumers are becoming more aware of the most noble of all metals. This system has a Vickers harness of 135, and can be hardened through cold hammering to 270 V, and has a density of 20.8. With a Vickers hardness from 135-145 and 170-200 respectively, these alloys can be heat treated and reach a hardness of 252 for +1 and 306 for +2. Iridium generally is produced commercially along with the other platinum metals as a by-product of nickel or copper production.…, Earth, third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the solar system in terms of size and mass.

Casting Pt/Co with a torch set-up is somewhat difficult with any other fuel than hydrogen/oxygen. Is used in Japan when a hard casting is desired.

It can be welded with the torch, it can be cast, machined and stamped. With a hardness of 80 it is in many ways similar to Pt/lr 950. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Since Germany allows different alloys, it is listed separately from Europe.

Pt/Ru is usually made into tubing, then sliced off and machined for wedding rings. Let it cool down and fire-coat with a solution of Boric acid and denatured alcohol.

Usually jewelry and rings are often 10% iridium and 90% platinum. A typical 95/5 heat treatable alloy, annealed and quenched at 1100°C will have a hardness of 185., Aged at 700°C and slowly cooled, a harness of 350 Vickers is achieved, resulting in better machinability, create spring properties, and allows for more wear resistance at the consumer level. Then bring it to a bright orange and pickle. Iridium ring is one of the popular rings in the United States as an alternative to the male wedding ring. In the U.S. a new version of this alloy was introduced in 1998. That means they are made for a specific function.

Ruthenium itself is a fragile and difficult metal to work with. Platinum is one of the strongest metal that is used for jewelry and has a very high melting point. It is hard, springy and can be cast. It is important to remember NOT to fire-coat before the soldering, as in the high heat the boric acid becomes a contaminant. It is ductile and malleable and an overall great alloy. If it must be cast, it should be done under an inert gas atmosphere or in a vacuum with a casting temperature of about 1894°C.

Learn More. Ruthenium oxide fumes are toxic. Pt/Co can be pickled at room temperature in Aqua Regia. Effective immediately, the FTC Platinum Guide for marking jewelry made wholly or in part of platinum provides that items consisting of: 950 parts or more per thousand of pure platinum can be marked “Platinum” without the use of any qualifying statements; 850 to 950 parts per thousand can be marked in accordance with international standards of “950 Plat.” or “950 Pt.”; or “900 Plat.” or “900 Pt.”; “850 Plat.” or “850 Pt.” (the revised guide permits the use of a two or four letter abbreviation for platinum); 500 parts per thousand of pure platinum and at least 950 parts per thousand platinum group metals can be marked with the part per thousand of pure platinum, followed by the parts per thousand of each platinum group metal example: 600Plat350Irid” or “600Pt350Ir”; less than 500 parts per thousand pure platinum cannot be marked with the word platinum or any abbreviation thereof. Of all the Palladium Systems, this alloy is the easiest to polish.

90/10 Platinum/Iridium (Pt/Ir) is a comprehensive platinum alloy. The former international standard for the metre of length and the ones still in use for the kilogram of mass were constructed from the alloy containing 90 percent platinum and 10 percent iridium. 900/100 Platinum / Iridium has a Vickers hardness of 110, a density of 21.5 and a melting range Liquidus/Solidus of 1800°C-1780°C. It can be cast, welded, soldered and is the most widely used alloy system in Asia. 95% Pt / 5% Ru. Hallmarks that you may find are 10 Irid 90 Plat, 100 Irid 900 Plat, 10% Irid 90% Plat, or other variations. It has a Vickers hard­ness of 150 and can be rolled and elongated without any problems. Many jewelers are still confused as to the platinum alloys available, their application and purpose, In this paper I will attempt to clear up some of these issues. It is a very good alloy, representing 100% PGM of which 900 is Platinum. Home » Learning Center » Jewelry Design » Jewelry Design Articles and Videos » Platinum Alloy Applications for Jewelry.