Anytime Africa spreads her precious wings of different colors, even the beasts below the surface of the earth, smile. Check out original content and videos published every day to help you learn about the issues that mean the most to you. They benefit from our pains. Did you know that people in Kenya are 4 times more likely to own a mobile phone than to have access to a toilet or latrine? Unfortunately for Delta there are in fact no wild giraffes in Ghana, and the Twitter community was quick to alert them to this. But it gets even worse. 10 things you didn't know about Africa's economy.
In the case of Bhati Dilwan, people are getting sick because if the community had fresh water piped in, it would deprive Nestle of its money source – bottled water under the Pure Life brand.

Mama Africa opens her arms and welcomes every stranger thinking all men are the same not knowing some men are worse than death.They come with sweet tongues and friendly faces but wicked minds and charcoal hearts.

The rand, however, is one of the most volatile currencies among the same peer set, over the same period.

In 2013, the majority of the global discoveries in the oil and gas sector were made in Africa, and there are hundreds of companies surveying the area. Mandela loved Africa. Nestle denies those allegations… sort of. There are also countless examples of grassroot projects established by African people, for African people. Some people loved Gaddafi so much even in death just because Gaddafi was anti-west.

Africa is to add millions more to its labour force between 2010 and 2020, which should set the stage for dynamic growth. listed by Time as one of the top 10 female leaders in the world. He took away farming lands but failed to cultivate the land.

It was reported that Nestle hadn’t carried out checks against child labor and abuse. Even Brabeck, after the media attack that followed, backed down. God did not make all the roses red, the West should stop trying to enforce a single doctrine on all the people of the world to make us all weak and blind to their destructive greed. People around the world tend to think of Africa as a whole, which is likely why myths of Africa as a single country exist. Child slavery and abuse? Thank you. First, it depends which country you are in in Africa. If it is true there is a God up there beyond the clouds then I am very sure that God is an African. A 1997 report found that in the UK, over a 12 month period, water pollution limits were breached 2,152 times in 830 locations by companies that included Cabdury and Nestle. Well, the truth is so distorted to the point where only the … We are the cause of almost all our problems and so it makes little to no sense at all to blame the western world for the problems we face today in Africa. “The fact that our product was implicated in Linda Rivera’s 2009 illness and tragic passing was obviously of grave concern to all of us at Nestle,” the company said in a statement. Consider the following. Call governments or join rallies. I wish I was home.

Yes it's a problem, and some countries have it worse than others, but don't all countries have particular issues that need to be fixed. Nestlé and the other companies were subject to class-action lawsuits and ultimately settled for $9 million, without actually admitting liability. For a company that has 29 brands that make over $1 billion a year, asking a famine-stricken country to pay you back 6 million seems questionable, to say the least. As with any “respectable” large company, Nestle has been involved in several incidents regarding pollution. It is time we start depending on ourselves instead of depending on the west because the western world has nothing good to offer Africa.
The continent of Africa is vast, and it’s the second-largest continent in the world. Nestle has shown, time and time again, that they have few ethics and little interest in a real social responsibility. “Absolutely not. DJ Paco (Papis), a DJ and rap artist from Mauritania. We're here to help make sense of it all: Subscribe now for the news that matter published by professional science journalists. Africa is that quiet but mighty bird. Even the developed countries still have their level of poverty. Meanwhile, the company was using nearby water reserves for their own bottled water products. Well, the truth is so distorted to the point where only the wicked know the truth. You take away my eyes and come back later on with a walking stick for me.