Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, 1968

Part I, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Design Standards, Many museums are non collecting, so a museum is not about displaying a collection, Some museums are “for profit”, so a museum can’t be defined by tax status, Some museums don’t have a building or a “home”, so it is not about a location, Project Narrative, included in the Project Charter, Content: description of project goals and messages, Design: Diagrams 0f content relationships, Design: Sketches 0f key points in exhibition, Design: Color perspective sketches (for fundraising and exhibit naming opportunities), Graphic Design: Collage of look & feel for exhibits and graphics, Schedule: Fabrication and Installation schedule, Schematic Design Phase deliverables: bound II” x 17″ booklets + electronic master copy, Content: Interactives and audio/visual outlines, Design: Elevations and Sections (CAD drawings), Design: Preliminary Electrical plan (CAD draft), Design: Preliminary Mechanical plan (CAD draft), Design: Preliminary Lighting plan (CAD draft), Graphic Design: Layout & design of typical panels, Graphic Design: Directional Signing (way-finding) — locations plan and elevations with specifications for interior spaces, Schedule: Revised fabrication and installation schedule, Three in-person meetings (and distribution of meeting notes), C0ntent: Draft scripts: interactives & A/V, Design : Plan w/content (measured CAD drawing), Design : Elevations w/graphics & dioramas/murals (measured CAD), Design : Electrical plan/schedule (measured CAD), Design : Mechanical plan/schedule (measured CAD), Architectural Permit documents (as required), Graphic Design: Exhibit graphic design (measured drawings), Graphic Design: Image management & acquisition, Exhibit component database with product and material specifications, Schedule: Final fabrication and installation schedule, Content: Draft scripts: interactives & A/V, Design: Plan w/content (measured CAD drawing), Design: Elevations w/graphics & dioramas/murals (measured CAD), Design: Sections/details (measured CAD) Design: Electrical plan/schedule (measured CAD), Design: Mechanical plan/schedule (measured CAD) (if required), Graphic Design: Image management & acquisition (as defined in budget). Museum Exhibition Design: Histories and Futures. Hope you did well on the exam ! Museum Exhibition Design: “The making of a plan for the construction of public displays for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment, in the service of society and its development.” Exhibition Design Process — Phases. Evoluon, Eindhoven, 1968 National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan, 1986-88 – Mark. Claire Wintle, Kate Guy and Hajra Williams. Pre-recorded papers will be published on the site over the two weeks of the conference (1-11 September 2020), during which time you are encouraged add your questions and comments to the Q&A discussion boards.

Hosted by the Centre for Design History at the University of Brighton, UK, Museum Exhibition Design: Histories and Futures is a nearly carbon-neutral conference (NCNC). Concept Development provides the “road map” for the project, where is the project going?, how will it get there? Please let me know. After 20+ years working in museum exhibition design, I have arrived at my own definition. It includes the typical elements of an academic conference – keynote addresses, panels, Q&As, abstracts, a noticeboard, publications rack and contacts list – but there are no air flights, train journeys, hotel bookings, or conference packs.

UoB Design Archives, Construction of exhibition space,

Content research is compiled into draft text and descriptions of the exhibits and the interactives.