In the case of minke whales, several populations are still being impacted by ongoing commercial whaling.

The Antarctic Minke Whale has been the target of directed sighting surveys in the Antarctic south of 60° S, run annually by the IWC from 1978–79 to the present. Baleen whales have black, dark brown, or grey backs and a broad, pointed snout. 2000). Continued whaling, albeit at low levels, may reduce the population size in future years.Extreme fluctuations in population numbers are unlikely within Australian waters as the reported latitudinal range (21° S to 65° S) for this species suggests that both the breeding and feeding grounds occur within Australian territory. Southern Minke Whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis)Length: 6.5 – 7.5 metres. Antarctic Minke Whale a.k.a. One reason for this is the improved management of whaling that began in the mid-1970s, when management by population or stock was introduced.

Like blue whales, they feed almost exclusively on Antarctic krill while in Antarctic waters. Increasing ocean temperatures predicted by climate change scenarios could potentially decrease the extent of occurrence, with warmer water extending southwards along both coasts and restricting the northward range of this species. 1997).Antarctic Minke Whales have undergone extensive population reductions, with approximately 14 600 whales killed off the breeding grounds off Brazil (Zerbini et al. If the whale approaches you, maintain a constant speed and allow them to interact on their own terms and leave at will. Native and seasonally common. The Southern Resident Orca population is numbering close to 70 but is in slow decline, hence it has been classified as an Endangered population. However, the krill fishery is controlled by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) under its ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, which should prevent over-fishing and potential competition with Antarctic Minke Whales for krill resources.Bannister and colleagues (1996) recommend the following actions be taken to better understand the threats to the Antarctic Minke Whale:Current projects initiated to address these threats include a requirement to report all incidental catches made within the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (Bannister et al. Baleen whales have two rows of flexible plates with frayed edges (made of a horn-like material) along their upper jaw that are used instead of teeth to sieve krill and plankton from the water.
It is a UKBAP priority species and is legally protected in British, Irish and European waters. Lesser Rorqual, Northern Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata). Give… You can act now by choosing to give to our cause. Killer whales. The distribution up the west coast of Australia is currently unknown. Some individuals have a two-tone light grey colour on their flippers. & D.S. A pair of grey streaks extend posteriorly (towards the back) for about 0.6 m from the blowhole (Best 1985). 2000). comm.

Between 50 and 70 pleats run along their throat, which allow huge volumes of water to be taken in during feeding. From June, a large proportion of the Antarctic Minke Whale catch consisted of mature males, while the proportion of immature males rapidly declined. The region south of 60° S is therefore considered to be well surveyed and the distribution and abundance of Antarctic Minke Whales in these waters can be considered accurate.No population estimates are available for Antarctic Minke Whales in Australian waters.Similarly, no information on population trends exist for the Antarctic Minke Whale. Name: (Common) Minke Whale a.k.a. We are governed by a board of volunteer trustees and our team of staff are passionate about protecting endangered species and places.We strive to bring our most threatened species in the UK and around the world back from the brink of extinction. Geographical and temporal variation in levels of organochlorine contaminants in marine mammals.Bannister, J.L., C.M. What do minke whales look like? Japan reportedly took over 7000 Antarctic Minke Whales under research permits issued between 1987–2004, under the terms of the whaling Convention (Perrin & Brownell 2002). (1981). Antarctic Minke Whales have been reported up to 350 km south of the ice edge during winter, suggesting that some portions of the population may over-winter in higher latitudes (Perrin & Brownell 2002; Thiele & Gill 1999).Analysis of whaling data indicates that most of the male Antarctic Minke Whales present in the higher latitude Antarctic whaling grounds are mature males, whereas the mature females do not arrive until later in the season, suggesting that sexual segregation occurs in these areas (Kato 1982; Kasamatsu & Ohsumi 1981; Masaki 1979; Ohsumi et al. During non-dedicated surveys, a minimum requirement is to record all cetacean sightings encountered with corresponding GPS position, environmental data (sea conditions and habitat) and behavioural observations. The flippers are slim and pointed, with no white blaze on the upper surface.
Minke whales off Brazil.Zerbini, A.N., E.R. Antarctic Minke Whales may arch the tail stock before a long dive, but they do not raise their flukes above the water (Jefferson et al. This evidence guides our conservation efforts and is shared through our events and publications.People’s Trust for Endangered Species was set up in 1977 to save our wildlife. Antarctic minke whales generally occur between 60 degrees South and the ice edge, although they can also occur inside the pack ice, making t… After 1979, the IWC only allowed Minke Whales to be taken by factory-ship whaling operations, resulting in annual catches ranging to about 8000 in the Antarctic (Horwood 1990).