Therefore, we wish you to become part of the growing new age MICE and tourism community. 7th MICE Exhibition & Conference. Everyone is here, every time. Vous pouvez nous contacter et nous suivre sur : Copyright © 2019. Il peut se traduire en français par le tourisme de \"réunions, congrès, conventions et voyages de gratification\". Chaque semaine recevez le Blog, la Vidéo, le Quiz, les Définitions ... Définitions Marketing » L'encyclopédie illustrée du marketing. As a result, we invite top MICE, tourism and IT industry speakers to transfer their huge knowledge and lay foundations for further advancements. We live in time where technology is part of our everyday life so events are no different. New-age MICE industry.

Lexpression « industrie des réunions » est également utilisée1. An unmissable event for the meeting industry in APAC, MICE Show Asia is where the incentive travel, meetings and events industries come together to connect and build the future of MICE. Comme indiqué dans lacronyme, le tourisme MICE concerne lorganisation de réunions, conférences et expositions. Above all, take this opportunity to expand your knowledge and meet the right people, all in one. WESTM is all about pushing the boundaries and our wish for you to thrive! Discover potential leads and establish high quality contacts at MICE Show Asia. MICE is the acronym for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions, where each type of event can be defined as follows: Meeting: Is a general term indicating the coming together of a number of people in one place, to confer or carry out a particular activity. Qui est Bertrand Bathelot, l'auteur et l'éditeur de Définitions Marketing ? Friday, 23 October: 09:30 – 18:00, General enquiries:, ITB Asia, MICE Show Asia and Travel Tech Asia have announced that this year’s event will go virtual with the live event postponed to 2021. November 15-18, 2020 Online & Belgrade. This is a place for you! Meeting planners and other meeting professionals may use the term “meeting” to denote an event booked at a hotel, convention … Attend MICE Show Asia as a hosted buyer if you're looking to procure MICE-related products & services. Furthermore, feel free to contribute and ask questions you never had opportunity to ask before. The virtual expo will showcase the preparedness of the MICE sector to re-start safely and effectively amidst the COVID-19. Meet people that share your passion and listen to what best speakers from region and the world have to say. Wednesday, 21 October: 09:30 – 18:00 Tous droits réservés - Définitions Marketing - Boitmobile. MICE Show Asia is a must-attend event for all MICE industry professionals. This is a place for you! From industry suppliers, meetings & events professionals to up-and-coming MICE innovators, we welcome a wide range of disciplines, sectors and all levels of seniority. An unmissable event for the meeting industry in APAC, MICE Show Asia is where the incentive travel, meetings and events industries come together to connect and build the future of MICE. From industry suppliers, meetings & events professionals to up-and-coming MICE innovators, we welcome a wide range of disciplines, sectors and all levels of seniority. Over 1500 industry leaders, influencers & professionals, exhibition organisers, conference organisers, event management … Hence, our goal is to instigate discussion and give a boost to technology use and development in MICE and tourism industry. Tourist Organisation of the city of Novi Sad, Copyright 2014 CERTUS - Created by TravelSoft Powered by Vertoh by Showthemes. WESTM is above all proud to have such a great partners like Tourism organisation of Belgrade. Le marché du MICE (de lacronyme anglais « Meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions ») est un type de tourisme dans lequel les grands groupes organisent des événements pour leurs employés et/ou leurs clients. Retrouvez toutes les informations nécessaires pour vos études, votre master ou simplement par curiosité. Meet people that share your passion and listen to what best speakers from region and the world have to say. Book a stand now. Our goal is to break boundaries of MICE and tourism industry, while instigating energy for advancement in each person.

Develop your brand through capturing the immense growth of the Asia MICE market. MICE correspond alors aux termes anglais de "Meetings" (réunions), "Incentive", "Conferences" et "Exhibitions / Events" (événements professionnels).

As the industry begins to open up across the globe gradually, this segment will also be a useful platform to know about the new age solutions for the MICE sector. Explore the world of MICE! Regroupe toutes les définitions en rapport avec le marketing au sens large et le marketing digital. Therefore, don’t miss opportunity to be part of the next generation! *Organisations participated in MICE Show Asia / ITB Asia 2019.

No matter if you’re a student, experienced professional or a newcomer to MICE industry, you must be here. Du e-commerce, au SEO, en passant par l'Inbound marketing.

THE RIGHT PLACE FOR NEW AGE MICE INDUSTRY. La partie … Meet industry professionals and establish quality contacts in the MICE segment through networking. Dans le domaine du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie MICE est un acronyme et raccourci très couramment utilisé pour désigner l'activité hôtelière et touristique liée à des événements de la vie des entreprises. Do you have a passion for MICE, tourism and technology? WELCOME TO WESTM, THE RIGHT PLACE FOR NEW AGE MICE INDUSTRY. Do you have a passion for MICE, tourism and technology? Thursday, 22 October: 09:30 – 18:00