Nevertheless, they can be independent thinkers, thus a consistent, firm leadership is essential.

Baths are recommended as needed, as they are outdoor explorers and may get muddy often.German Shorthaired Pointers were popularised in some fiction and non-fiction works, as well as in real life:German Shorthaired Pointers may be crossbred with different dog breeds. Talk about the purchase agreement and health guarantee for the puppy.A responsible breeder will have questions for you as well. Too much confinement can lead to barking, hyperactivity, and destructive chewing.Toward strangers he may be very friendly or somewhat reserved, so his alarm bark may be welcoming or mildly protective.

It is generally believed they originated from Germany and that's where part of their name comes from. They are not suited for a life in a kennel or for spending too much time on their own. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to you live in a city apartment, this dog will survive only provided you take him out for exercise at least three times a week, and let him run and stretch his legs for at least two hours every day!They are German dogs, so they are stubborn at times, but they learn very quickly and very easy to train compared to other breeds…. All it takes is to brush regularly with a firm bristle brush, along with baths when necessary. Keep looking for alternatives.When you purchase a GSP through a high-quality breeder, the German Shorthaired Pointer price will be between $800 and $1200. Some dogs may have larger patches of solid colour, as well. This will make them appear to be willful and disobedient, but this is not the case. It is best to make sure they get their exercise in and then try some training. You will need to be smart and creative to keep your GSP motivated to follow your commands.Should you decide to welcome a GSP into your family, you will have to be prepared to invest time and effort into training him.If possible, sign up for an obedience class when your dog is still young. He may also decide to exercise himself, and he can easily jump 6 foot high fences and go for a walk. Some examples of these mixes are:There are no user comments for this listing.A Veterinarian's Review of the Raw Diet for Dogs,Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome,Doggy Dental Care – How to Keep a Dogs Teeth in Good Condition,Travel Vaccinations & Preparing Your Dog for Foreign Travel,A mystery series written by Robert B. Parker, about a Boston detective named Spenser, features three German Shorthaired Pointers that share the same name of. But mostly birds on land and in water.Weight varies for dogs from 55 to 70 pounds, for bitches – 45 – 60 pounds. Particular attention should be paid to clean ears and teeth.

They are quick to learn and their natural speed and agility allow them to complete the obstacle course quickly and accurately.Other activities include Nosework, Search and Rescue, Dock Diving, Field Trials, and Flyball. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Dogs experiencing this condition will appear restless, anxious, and will attempt to vomit. This breeds smarts and athleticism also make him perfect for agility training.Almost immediately, a GSP will retrieve anything you throw at him to chase but may need some training off the leash to be reliable in open spaces like parks. And as such will have a high level of activity and energy to be channeled properly. They are able to hunt under any conditions and on any game.

If you are keen on outdoor activities or adore hunting, or better both…) then the German Shorthaired Pointer (or Deutsch Kurzhaar) is exactly what you need. They love company of people, love their home and family. They should be correctly trained to behave while off leash, so that a responsible attitude towards animals and other people’s pets is kept at all times.German Shorthaired Pointers may be somewhat reserved with strangers, which, coupled with their tendency to bark, make them good watchdogs. The AKC Standard says, "An intelligent, energetic, and determined hunter." While he can learn to live in harmony with other pets, you can't be complacent. This breed of dogs can be found absolutely in any country of the world, including the USA. The German Shorthaired Pointer’s idea of heaven is a day hiking in the field and an evening curled up by its owner’s side. This breed has a big personality and is very smart, many people even think they are advanced enough to develop senses of humor. They are just bored, and … One to two hours of daily exercise is recommended to keep up with their needs. High.