function change_b7(form){ It will hold the state of the game inside of the TTT object at any given time. We update our internal game state to reflect the played move, section of your page:
Since a TTT object is representative of one game of Tic-Tac-Toe, it must contain two member variables. spot = 1 } } */, /* empty3 = -1; Pure and Simple - Tic Tac Toe with Javascript # javascript # ... Well look no further, today we’ll be building a simple (drumroll) Tic Tac Toe game. value = "Tour: Joueur 1"> return; form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow xo = " O ";} A twist on tic tac toe, using emoji icons to represent your symbol, and an AI that talks back making fun of you when you lose. Share it with us! if (clicked == 9){ This method will specifically check the rows for a win. If we get to here we know that the no one won the game yet, The rules of the game are simple and well-known. This tutorial will use the Eclipse IDE. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. spot = 0 form.whoseturn.value = whogoesnow If there are errors or missing parentheses or semicolons, now would be the time to find these and fix them. In this tutorial, we will be looking at how to code a working game of Tic-Tac-Toe in Java. So i decided to try to make a Tic Tac Toe game with the board being rendered from a 2D array. changing(clicked) ; changing(clicked) ; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) The if statement compares each space in the row to each other and gives a ‘true’ value if they are all equal. } spot = empty3 ;} } empty1 = -1; if (clicked == 8){ empty3==empty6 && empty6==empty9 && empty9==0 || Then, two inputs should be taken in signifying the row and column to place a mark for the turn. Here we will grab the 'data-cell-index' attribute from the clicked cell to identify where that cell is in our grid. We also have an

element where we will display the beforementioned game information and a restart button. the "So your final product of the checkDiagonalsForWin() method should be a return(), and inside it should contain the first statement OR the second statement." } "); restart button Here we will check whether the game ended in a win, draw, or if there are still moves to be played. function change_b9(form){ We have also outlined all the functionalities we will need to handle our game logic, so let’s go and write our logic! The only thing left is to print the last call to print the new line to separate each row, followed by the 13 dashes. t = turnchange(t) ; Computers have to separate these into different conditions because they are all different in terms of arrays. if (clicked == 5){

spot = empty2 ;} Forum tic tac toe because why not. The following is a general setup of the program. This was originally a test but we are way past that now. function win(){ spot = empty6 ;} form.b1.value = xo; For checkRowCol() method: This method is used by the other methods to send down three values. If you are at all lost as to how your project should look, we have included a downloadable file for you to compare your code to a working final product. The placeMark() method will place the correct letter onto the specified row and col in the board variable (taken in as parameters). alert ("Joueur 2: VOUS GAGNEZ !!! With both loops completed and nested properly, we can iterate through every place inside of the board 2D array.