Whatever the SkekEkt could get. SkekSa was the patron Skeksis of the Sifa clan, and appeared to have a genuine fondness for them. Pre-production notes for skekEkt refer to him as an artist and interior designer. ^^More art will be coming up, soon! We always kind of liked the idea of them being some uncomfortable mixture in between, but the Designer is certainly the most feminine or effeminate." They also seem asexual. https://heroes-and-villain.fandom.com/wiki/SkekSa?oldid=23735. morbid but sadly possible*  Thanks a whole lot for this awesome comment! She was an ally of skekVar. Realising skekSo wanted her dead skekSa decided to outright kill Naia blaming her for turning the Sifa Gelfling against her. Skeksis names consist of the first half of an urSkek name with a skek- prefix. I've always thought the skeksis do not care to identify as anything except what they are. So names like skekAyuk, skekSil and skekShod. Think of the new rituals they would need to have! cost: $120 Est. XD Pretty much skekEkt ina  nutshell, imho!
Hello! Despite wanting the other Skeksis to talk about him, all they could think of was essence, so skekEkt demanded some, only to learn that there was none left and … [12], They were also close to skekOk, with whom they would gossip about court intrigue[3] and would comfort him in his grief over the death of skekLach. [5] In J.M. [10] Their table manners were also relatively civilized when compared with those of their more rustic comrades, savoring their food rather than gorging themself. Allies [9], SkekEkt had a genuine gift as a designer,[10] having been the inventor of the Garthic aesthetic which characterized both the Skeksis' architecture and clothing. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. He plays an important part in the story, since it is his job to drain captured Podlings and Gelflings of their life essence in his laboratory, the Chamber of Life. Even though they have physical bodies, what sex can possibly be attached to these aspects when both masculinity and femininity can encompass both? For a single piece was lost; a shard of the Crystal. There are 2 female Skeksis yet we don’t know if they lay eggs. Aw, I really try to go for eloquent images and short texts with basic pinpoint info, I´m happy to see you think I´m doing this right ^^. Counterpoint: It's implied they have 3 pee-pees in AOR. I´m very happy to know you like how Ekt looks here, dear! Featured in collections. SkekSa had left the Castle of the Crystal by at least the early Age of Division, as she had already become a prominent figure in Sifan culture during Thriya's visit to the Sifan Coast. Can I get a skeksis matchup? [1], In the buildup to the Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood, after skekMal returned to the Castle on the brink of death, skekZok briefly mentioned skekSa, opining that she and skekNa would have been "useful in a fight."[4]. " We live, we live, we live forever! When they first appeared, the Skeksis were vibrant, agile and brightly colored creatures, though in the later years of their reign, their secondary arms became withered and atrophied, and their bodies decayed. **d´awww, you flatter me too much!
She believed that the only way to win back her favor among the Skeksis at the castle was to return Naia and Gurjin to them. I know over the years our definitions of human gender has expanded greatlyl, and I'm watching this conversation take place with our definitions being used for something purely alien. Thank you for the kind and thoughtful feedback, my dearest Zure! [4] When skekMal returned with fatal injuries, skekEkt was the only of the skeksis to approach the Hunter to check his condition, before the Hunter toppled to the floor in the throne room. Now I'm truly alone. SkekSa was a character in the comics and never appeared in the film or the prequel series. See you soon! Excellent work with his bio here. Soon enough I will have more of these, and many more replies for Ask the skeksis questions will come! Despite wanting the other Skeksis to talk about them, all they could think of was essence, so skekEkt demanded some, only to learn that there was none left and that skekTek's machine was damaged and unable to produce more.[2].