Conclusion Pronunciation work should be seen as an integral part of what goes on in the classroom.

Learners whose instruction has focused heavily on accuracy suffer a "devastating diminuation of phonetic information at the segmental level when they encounter normal speech." Confusion about meaning in connected speech is especially common for non-native speakers listening to native speakers talk. It is commonly referred to as linking sounds, joining sounds or connected speech.

(Gerald Kelly- "How to Teach Pronunciation. One of the characteristics of connected speech is the deletion or clipping of sounds that occurs when words run together. This can be confusing, especially since the words sound different than when they are pronounced on their own, compared to when they are used in a sentence. Anyone learning a foreign language needs practice listening to it being spoken naturally, but learners of English have a difficult time picking out individual words from connected speech because words are so often slurred. Recently however, there has been a shift of focus towards the other systems operating within phonology, which may be more important in terms of overall intelligibility. Learners must come to not only recognise and cope with the weak forms they hear, but also to use them themselves when speaking English. Because of this, even native speakers may pronounce the same word differently, as is often the case in British vs. American English. when spoken, with little to no pause between the words. The polite greeting ¿Cómo está? In spoken discourse, we adapt our pronunciation to our audience and articulate with maximal economy of movement rather than maximal clarity. This is because they have a number of strategies when listening, for dealing with indistinct utterances caused by connected speech. You can also help them to understand you by speaking more slowly and pausing slightly between each word. Delayed plosion. In English, the stress pattern of a word is generally influenced by its context. Aspects of connected speech Speech is a continuous stream of sounds, without clear-cut borderlines between them, and the different aspects of connected speech help to explain why written English is so different from spoken English. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Even if they do not assimilate these forms at first, " many cases, the simple awareness of their existence can help enormously in enabling students to better understand the language they hear." Take a survey on teaching speaking in online environments, Panel discussion: Developing expertise through experience. It is also called connected discourse.

Collocation with advanced levels 1 - not entirely...proper/appropriate/good?

In connected speech, words or syllables are clipped, phrases are run together, and words are stressed differently than they would be in writing. These smaller words don’t contain a lot of information and so in connected speech, they are difficult to hear. record someone reading a sentence as if it were just a list of words. Connected speech is spoken language in a continuous sequence, as in normal conversation. When speaking to someone who isn't a native speaker, enunciation is helpful. Raising student's awareness of these forms, whenever they arise, is the first step towards helping your learners to speak a little more naturally. Aspects of connected speech So what is it that we do when stringing words together that causes so many problems for students? Integrate weak forms into grammar work. To articulate “red dye”, we must … often sounds like ¿Cóm stá?