These types of dolphins are believed to have a lifespan between 30 and 40 years. Seasonal abundance of and estimated food consumption by cetaceans in Icelandic and adjacent waters.Tuerk, K. S., Kucklick, J. R., McFee, W. E.Waring, G. T., Josephson, E., Fairfield, C. P. et al. 2006). Intraspecific variation in the dolphins,Mirimin, L., Banguera-Hinestroza, E., Dillane, E., Hoelzel, A. R., Cross, T. F. and Rogan, E. (2011). The Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) is a similar dolphin of the same genus found in the northern Pacific Ocean. 1994). Parasitic mastitis in the Atlantic white-sided dolphin.Hammond, P. S. (2006). SCANS III final report. Their pectoral fins are about 30 cm in length and their dorsal fins may be up to 50 cm in height. Some female Atlantic white-sided dolphins stranded on the west coast of Ireland in September 1994 had small foetuses present, suggesting that mating took place in late August or early September (Rogan et al. Humpback whales observed in coastal US waters appeared to be disturbed by white-sided dolphins, displaying aggressive activity in their presence (Weinrich et al. Atlantic white-sided dolphin Synonyms Lagenorhynchus gubernator, Lagenorhynchus leucopleurus, Lagenorhynchus perspicillatus, Delphinus acutus, Delphinus leucopleurus Lifespan, ageing, and relevant traits Maximum longevity 27 years (wild) Source ref. In the United States, they are found off the coast of North Carolina to Maine. A mass stranding of white-sided dolphins (,Reeves, R. R., Smeenk, C., Brownell, R. L. Jr. and Kinze, C. C. (1999). By default, 30 entries are shown, but this can be changed in the drop-down menu, where you can decide to show up to 100 entries per page.Carry-over from previous years are included in the quota numbers, where applicable.You can find the full catch database with all species,You can find a complete file with all comments and explanations,For any questions regarding the catch database, please contact the Secretariat at.White-sided dolphins may become entangled or caught in various types of commercial fishing gear. For example, in dolphins sampled in the Faroe Islands, cadmium levels were lower than those of pilot whales from the same area but much higher than levels found in dolphin species from more southerly latitudes (Gallien et al. For the best experience, please use a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.Atlantic white-sided dolphins are found in the temperate waters of the North Atlantic. on average with the female dolphins growing smaller and lighter than their male counterparts.The body itself is often described as being robust in nature and the beak is relatively short when compared to other dolphin species.They have a long pointed dorsal fin that curves towards the flukes located in the middle of its back and the flippers are small, pointed and sickle shaped.The flukes are also short but wide in order to help these dolphins propel themselves through the water.As the name suggests these dolphins have a white under-body that rises along its sides and around its eyes, however the eyes are a dark gray to black color.They also have an additional white/pale yellow patch along the sides of the dorsal fin, hence the name white-sided.The back is primarily dark gray or black with a yellow patch and a portion of the beak is also a dark gray to black coloring.These dolphins are known to consume a variety of.Some of the most commonly hunted fish include hake, herring and mackerel.To assist with catching their prey these marine mammals have 30 – 40 pairs of teeth that can be used to grab their food in order to prevent it from escaping.When searching for prey these dolphins have been observed holding their breath for up to 5 minutes during long dives.Given their strong social nature it is quite possible that these dolphins hunt together when searching prey.During feeding periods the Atlantic white-sided dolphin may be observed inhibiting their local habitat with other cetaceans such as the.As the name suggests these dolphins can be found primarily in the north Atlantic ocean in temperate to subarctic waters that range between 5 – 20 degrees Celsius.Their range can extend from 35°-80° N of the equator and extend from North Carolina to Greenland.Large groups of Atlantic white-sided dolphins have been spotted in areas such as Cape Cod, Greenland, the North Sea and the United Kingdom.They can also be spotted swimming in parts of the eastern United States such as North Carolina as we mentioned before.In fact large scale stranding have been known to occur in Northeastern U.S. territories, however the cause of these strandings are unknown.In terms of habitat depth they tend to prefer living in waters that are at least 130 ft. deep (40m.)

2012), and so may become stranded once the tide goes out. In 2002, the number reported killed was 774. These dolphins ranges from 2.5-3 m in length. 2012).Large concentrations of these dolphins are seen in the summer months in US waters, on the continental shelf off Cape Cod and in the southern Gulf of Maine. The Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin is a “short-beaked oceanic dolphin”, and the only member of this group that features a color other than gray, black and white. (2006) estimated the average annual fishery-related mortality to the Gulf of Maine stock from commercial fisheries to be much lower, at 38 (CV=0.39) per year.Off the southwest coast of Ireland, white-sided dolphins are caught in the Dutch pelagic trawl fishery in the late winter and early spring. Estimates of the abundance of cetaceans in the central North Atlantic cased on the NASS Icelandic and Faroese shipboard surveys conducted in 2015.Piniarneq.

They are attracted to boats and will ride the bow or stern waves (Weinrich et al. A large dolphin with robust body, the Atlantic white-sided dolphin is so called due to the pale white patch on the sides below the dorsal fin. Fernández et al. (1997). An abundance of 20,444 (95% CI: 12,714–32,874) for both white-sided and white-beaked dolphins together was estimated from the 2001 NASS surveys (NAMMCO 2002).An abundance estimate was generated from the Icelandic and Faroese components of the Trans North Atlantic Sightings Survey (T-NASS) ship surveys conducted in 2007.

White-sided dolphins are common in the southern Gulf of Maine and known in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, but there are few sightings and strandings along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Gaskin 1992), indicating some geographical separation.There are, however, no other indications of any stock separation for this species. Their tail flukes range from 30-60 cm across. This species seems to be especially prone to getting caught in pelagic or near surface trawl or drift nets (Gaskin 1992, Reeves et al. Aerial surveys of cetaceans in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1995 and 1996.Leopold, M. F. and Couperus, A. S. (1995). These dolphins also produce various sounds for communication, including squeals, whistles, clicks and buzzes (Reeves et al. NASS is a series of surveys (using a nearly identical design and methodology) that have been conducted on a regular basis since 1987.The estimates of dolphin abundance obtained from these surveys are, however, difficult to compare for a number of reasons. A satellite-tagged dolphin in the Gulf of Maine travelled an estimated distance of over 300 km in 64.3 hours (Mate et al. Atlantic white-sided dolphins, like all marine mammals, are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Sightings during the summer along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, however, are rare (Gaskin 1992).