So often, we try to see into the veracity of someone’s faith by something as simplistic as how they cast their votes at the ballot box. The issue has become, for some, a litmus test on fidelity to God and the scriptures. This means that He cared about everyone in culture. When freedom and equality become the rally cry of agendas, it is hard to defeat them even if they mean the limiting of freedom and equality for others. I worry that many do not take the idea of winning our brother over to heart. What say you? This quote has inspired the author Robert A. Heinlein to write a 1961 science fiction novel entitled “Stranger in a Strange Land” about a dystopian and strange world which conveys the unsettledness of human life. I had to clean up a little blood on my computer after it shot out of my eyes. Unfortunately, homosexuality has become a divisive issue in today’s society. There is only one who is good. Hamilton is committing a logical fallacy called “The Straw-Man Argument”. Our faith is always influenced by both the Christian and wider cultures in which we live. However, the thing I would like to bend your ear about today comes from the state of New York. I am not saying that Christians are not supposed to help the poor and needy.
But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. I worry that Christendom (and the LCMS as a microcosm of Christianity) has lost the ability to dialogue. It is also a generational divide, with younger Christians generally seeing this issue differently than older Christians.”. This assumption is dangerous, but mostly, it’s just wrong. Anytime someone wants to boil an emotionally complex social issue down to a demographically defined issue, we need to be weary of the statistical reports. He often gets a little boisterous in his passion for the topic at hand. Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? We can drive a sick, uninsured child to a hospital, but if a long hospitalization or surgery is required, that child’s parents will have to either scrape together thousands or dollars (and perhaps eventually lose their home or declare bankruptcy as a result) or hope that the hospital has charity funds available. that might shed some light and have some bearing on the issue at hand. Jesus was radical. In them Lincoln noted that at the center of the conflict over slavery were very different interpretations of the Bible. Here is where we get to the absolute nonsense of this argument. Dollar has a few valid points in this section. By His death, He took them to the grave. My father, kindly, reminded them of their bargain. If the old, in-grained, socially unacceptable white guys would just give up their antiquated interpretations of Scripture, then we would all be alright.

However on account of Christ, God sees not our sins but the righteousness that Christ gives through faith. Both parties care about providing opportunity and safety for the citizens, however, they have different ideologies on how to get there. This has been touted as being a huge step forward for American society and freedom. Pray for pastors who preach the Word of God in its truth and purity. This was the reason Jesus came. And now Pastor Hamilton is a prophet. The reason I reacted so vehemently against it is because it is an argument I am really tired of hearing because it misses the point. Slavery was an institution created that denied the humanity of an individual and subjected them to servitude against their own will. I am glad that Dollar believes in the “stuff” in the Nicene Creed like the “virgin birth”, and “the resurrection”. Time and time and time again, Jesus put caring for “the least of these” at the center of his ministry and his message.
Create a free website or blog at None of us practice a pure faith. If it were left up to us, our salvation would be impossible and that is why God intervened. It is weak. I worry that we forget that Paul became all things for all people. “There are a handful of Scriptures (five or eight depending upon how one counts) that specifically speak of same-sex intimacy as unacceptable to God. Why didn’t he argue with them? He was not baptized until he was 30.