This pattern of acoustic presence supports available visual data and suggested an absence of minke whales from the study area during winter. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles In particular we thank our colleagues Inga F. Egilsdóttir, Sverrir D. Halldórsson and Þorvaldur Gunnlaugsson for their contribution.Registered in England & Wales No. Finally, detection results were investigated to determine seasonal and diel occurrence patterns of minke whales and explore the possibility to improve, and spatio-temporally extend, current monitoring of this species in UK and adjacent Northeast Atlantic areas using PAM.The manually reviewed truth dataset consisted of a total of 2,400 hours, containing 322 candidate detection hours. These data were then corrected for recording effort by dividing the total number of detection hours by the total number of effort hours for each day.Analysis of data collected from May to November 2016, found most minke whale detections at the Helmsdale recording site (Table,Diel trends in minke whale detections from the multi-year Helmsdale data set were further investigated by modelling the hourly presence/absence of minke whale pulse trains in relation to diel cycle index values, scaled to account for seasonal variation in day length.

The mating season depends on the sub-category of the Minke, related to where in the world they’re located.

Seasonal and multi-year presence Minke whale pulse trains were detected in all months for which data were available across all sites (May to November 2016) (Fig. Version 1 (2015).We thank the Marine Scotland Science shipboard crews for their help with data collection.

UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP).Clapham, P. J., Young, S. B. Across the whole array and all years for the Helmsdale site, minke whale pulse trains were first detected in late May and detections generally declined at the end of October (Figs,During autumn and spring minke whale pulse train detections showed strong diel periodicity, with calling rates being lowest during light and highest during dark periods (Figs,It is currently unclear what role minke whale pulse trains may play in the species’ ecology. & Thomson, D. H.Figueroa, H. K. & Robbins, M. XBAT: An Open-Source Extensible Platform for Bioacoustic Research and Monitoring. Similarly, PAM offers a contribution to the recurrent need to undertake risk assessments of offshore developments in relation to impacts on marine mammal populations. When the calves are weaned about 6 months later they’ll have grown to almost double that length.Minke Whales live around 40 years on average, though examples have been found living up to 60 years.Worldwide estimates for Minkes place their population at approximately 800,000, the highest number for baleen whales.The only natural predators for Minkes are,Classic Antarctica including Deception Island,The cruises on have received an average,Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctic Peninsula,Antarctica - Discovery and learning voyage.Minke Whales are the smallest form of baleen whale.Minke Whales’ vocalizations can be as loud as jet planes taking off (up to 152 decibels).Minke Whales have earned the name “Stinky Minkes” because of the less-than-appealing smell of their spouting.Minkes migrate to warmer waters during the colder winter months.The pleats on a Minke Whale’s (and similar whales’) throats allows the throats to expand to take in large amounts of water when they’re feeding.Minke Whales are often seen feeding in areas teeming with sea birds, and scientists believe they may be using the location of the birds as an indication of where to find food. Minke Whales’ vocalizations can be as loud as jet planes taking off (up to 152 decibels).