Even latte-sipping Toronto liberals are sick of Wynne and her band of merry thieves.

Even Liberal voting friends and family dispise her. Press J to jump to the feed. As a new Democrat my riding will stay Tory tbh. Premier Doug Ford marked his … This thread is archived. If you are right wing, go PC. He's in full control of winning the game. Brown has the ball on his opponent's 20 yard line. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. In municipal elections in Ontario, candidates are not elected to represent a political party. McGuinty and Wynne both have run the worst governments in Ontario's history. What's New.
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Whats the chance these liberals actually win again ? The next municipal election will be held Monday, October 24, 2022. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sort by. Voting in a provincial election is easy. Exactly. Polls have indicated that she's now behind Andrea Horwath's NDP now so that's at least encouraging but to be taken with a grain of salt. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Liberal minority. 117 comments. I would say 75% chance the Liberals win at least a Minority government.

As humans we must all continue to do better universally: Continue to advocate against racism and discrimination in our communities, whether online or our neighbourhoods.

The problem is that people are all anti-liberal party for a logn time, then the election gets closer and people are suddenly of the mind set "oh...Wynne isn't THAT bad... i'll vote for her again" Yes she is. Let's see if the PCs can manage not to shoot themselves in the foot .. again. Ontario. Public service unions and their front groups like "Ontario Working Families" will go all out in support of the Liberals. Everyone bitches and complains about Wynne/Liberals constantly but when it comes down to it they’ll probably vote for her again. The Cons will fuck it up. Wynne isn't popular but the general principles of the Liberal party are. There are currently 124 seats. best. How could a single person vote for this party at this point? But he's also part of party that's thrown an interception in the end zone the last three elections. 100-year anniversary – Explore the history of elections in Ontario. There's still a decent chance. Ontario elected it's first Green MPP in the last election and I expect to see that number increase in the next election. Elections Ontario provides more options for voting - more days and ways - than ever before. This article provides a summary of results for the general elections to the Canadian province of Ontario's unicameral legislative body, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.The number of seats has varied over time, from 82 for the first election in 1867, to a high of 130 for 1987, 1990 and 1995 elections. If they can create an issue that sticks, the Liberals will stay in power. Will Brown be as determined to lose as Hudak was?

Public service unions and their front groups like "Ontario Working Families" will go all out in support of the Liberals. She is that bad and you're an ass hole. Well lets see if he can remain silent about his plans. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.

There are issues out there, sometimes it just takes unions and orginazations to get the right questions asked. The Next Ontario Provincial Election. Plus the economy is doing very well. Sad times. Simple. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Maybe the unions support the liberals because as a whole their views are the most aligned.
They have a balanced budget and the economy is booming. Cookies help us deliver our Services.

"oh...Wynne isn't THAT bad... i'll vote for her again". Wynne would be toast if we were in a recession. The Ontario Liberals are gearing up for an election two years away as the Progressive Conservatives celebrate two years in power. I know people love to make them the election boogey men, but Christ Almighty you have no clue. The Greens have a good chance to capture young voters as well as those undecided voters who maybe voted PC and regret it but still don't feel good about the … Learn More. We are hiring Regional Liaison Officers across the province.

Having an election in the air seems to give their candidates an itchy finger. level 1. bovickles. If you are left wing, go NDP.

Liberals need to go.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in numbers. I would like to think another Wynne mandate is an impossibility but nothing would surprise me anymore. Bye bye! Also the provincial Conservatives have been a mess for years.

I wouldn't say they are going to drum up an issue. Yeah, and she didn't WIN the election, Hudak set out to LOSE the election at all costs, and he was more determined to lose than Ontario was to elect someone else. Shes disliked by alot of people in my social circle. share. best top new controversial old q&a. As an actual member of a public union I could show you dozens of emails from my union trashing Wynne and the Liberals and not one in favour. Find out what Elections Ontario is doing to celebrate. We must all be firm in our stance against racism and violence. 60% Upvoted. En tant qu'êtres humains, nous devons tous continuer à faire mieux universellement: Continuer à luttre contre le racisme et la discrimination partout. Some of their rural rube candidates will say something bigoted about immigrants or something horrid about gay people or abortion and that will sink their chances. McGuinty won when polls showed he had 19% support. Nous devons tous être fermes dans notre position contre le racisme et la violence. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.