Use Yarn to add the project dependency to your React client. The project is well documented on the Create React App homepage. You can find more information about using Create React App here - Create React App - Create and Launch a React Application. Change src/App.js to match the following. NOTE: This file also does a couple of other things: 1) it disables CSRF (Cross-site forgery protection), and 2) it configures the resource server to send a 401 instead of a blank page if a request is not authorized. You will use Create React App to create the starter React application. The following screenshot shows the structure of the Spring Boot project we create. For more details about creating Spring Boot Projects, you can read -. How do we display it? You’ll notice above that the id field is not being returned as part of the JSON. Congratulations! let { description, id } = this.state is called destructing. This is similar to writing code shown below. You have successfully integrated React with a REST API. Let’s add a findById method to CoursesHardcodedService. Open and edit `src/main/java/com/djamware/react/controllers/` then add this lines of codes that implementing request and response from or to the client-side using REST API. Intercept Front end REST API calls and add headers and request content. The UI as it is doesn’t do very much except demonstrate successful communication between the client and the server. Thus, it’s also possible not to use a wrapper class like this and inject the auth prop into the various routes directly. It also allows you to pass down the Api module with the access token to the child components. Let’s update the InstructorApp component to display the ListCoursesComponent. Our GitHub repository hosts the complete frontend and backend projects. Now, create the new edit, create and show files. Add functionality to update course details in React front end and Spring Boot REST API. Okta has two projects that are going to make this painless: the Okta React SDK and the Okta Spring Boot Starter. In the course details page, we are redirecting to the url /courses/${id}. As usual, let’s bind it to this in the constructor. For more awesome content, follow @oktadev on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or subscribe to our YouTube channel. Creating Spring Boot and React CRUD Full Stack Application with Maven, Full Stack Application Architecture - Spring Boot and React, Create React App - Create and Launch a React Application, Importing React App into Visual Studio Code, Developer Take a look at the Create React App docs on this feature to learn more about proxying requests in development. The OpenJDK website has instructions for installation. That’s where Routing comes into the picture. The following screenshot shows the application we would like to build. Now that the REST API is ready, let’s create the frontend methods to call them. Create one more new file, src/Api.js. enableReinitialize={true} is needed to ensure that we can reload the form for existing todo. When the user clicks the update course button on the course listing page, we would want to route to the course page. If you run the page right now and submit invalid description, you would see that validations prevent the form from getting submitted. Now, it's a time for RESTful Web Service (REST API) implementation by creating a new Spring MVC RESTful controller file. For now, let’s hardcode a course into the course list. Previously we have done a tutorial on building Spring Boot, MongoDB and Angular 5 CRUD Web Application. To make React build running as Spring Boot frontend, open and edit `frontend/package.json` then change `build` value in the scripts block as below. You also saw how to use a free developer account from Okta to add OAuth 2.0 login to your application and to secure your resource server. The Security component is where the Okta OAuth configuration happens. REST API calls with different request methods including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. Next, start MongoDB in the other terminal or command line if it's not run yet. To be able to update the course details, we would need to create a new component to represent the todo form. How do we invoke the retrieve course details from the React frontend? For that open and edit, `frontend/src/components/Edit.js` then add these lines of codes. [Click to see video Playlist](, Step 01 - Installing NodeJs and NPM - Node Package Manager, Step 03 - Installing Visual Studio Code - Front End JavaScript Editor. If you launch up the Spring boot application and go to http://localhost:8080/instructors/in28minutes/courses in the browser, you would see the response from the API.