These territories of life, however, are under increasing threat, as are the indigenous peoples and communities who protect and defend them. ICCA Consortium, Upholding ‘Territories of Life’ Custodian communities and their ICCAs – Territories of Life face unprecedented stresses and threats arising from the socio-ecological changes sweeping the world. ICCA Consortium, Upholding ‘Territories of Life’ Custodian communities and their ICCAs – Territories of Life face unprecedented stresses and threats arising from the socio-ecological changes sweeping the world.

Participate . Transparent and accessible information,#5. Benefits of Territory. --- On 22 May 2019, in conjunction with the International Day for Biological Diversity, the ICCA Consortium launches an exciting new film that showcases diverse territories of life and local-to-global efforts to secure the recognition and support they deserve!
ICCAs share the following three characteristics: Life Plan .

ICCAsachieve conservation ofspecies and the natural environment, together with other social and cultural objectives. For example, the video commentary of Prof. John Knox, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, provided for the Consortium’s XIth General Assembly may be viewed,Local and national ICCA reviews and examples,Self-identified ICCAs / grassroots discussion,ICCA national, sub-national studies and databases,Governance for the conservation of nature,Territorial integrity and community wellbeing,Indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights,Secure legal / policy recognition for your ICCAs,Volunteer collaborators and national focal points,Defending territories of life and their defenders,Defending Territories of life and their defenders policy. These territories of life, however, are under increasing threat, as are the indigenous peoples and communities who protect and defend … On October 17, the SGP organized a side … A great part of the planet’s remaining biodiversity is found within terrestrial, coastal and marine territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities, to which we broadly refer as “ICCAs” or “territories of life”. Conserving territories of life ICCA Consortium & LifeMosaic 2019. Explore the world of ICCAs through the interactive map and case studies. These territories and areas are cradles of biological and cultural diversity and crucial for all life on Earth. Participate by registering your own ICCA or submitting a case study. Natural resource-intensive industrial activities such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mineral and hydrocarbon extraction, and infrastructure and energy developments are deeply and increasingly affecting their integrity and resilience. Indigenous peoples and local communities around the world protect and care for their collective territories, lands and waters as a matter of survival, health and wellbeing. Produced by our friends at LifeMosaic, a non-profit based in Scotland, the,The toolkit also includes a few primers on,LifeMosaic goes on to say that, “The video toolkit and accompanying facilitators’ guide are intended to support indigenous peoples as they exercise their right to free, prior and informed consent; advocate for their rights; participate more actively in local spatial planning; and draw up village action plans for self‐determined development and for protecting their territories, forests and resources.”,It’s more than mere lip service.

Any action of support that doesn’t come directly from an ICCA must be done with the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of those involved.To learn more about ICCA and the ICCA Consortium watch the film.If you want to take action to strengthen your ICCA or give support to them you will find many ways to do so, including:For more stories on how our members are fighting for land rights, subscribe to our newsletter now!Application of laws, guidelines & standards,Establishment and strengthening of local institutions,#Legal assistance, legal empowerment and access to justice,#Project design and implementation support,#Establishment and strengthening of local institutions,#Application of laws, guidelines & standards,#8. ESTABLISHING INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY CONSERVATION AREAS (ICCA) The Territories of Life Activity helps indigenous communities in Guaviare, Putumayo and Vaupes to legally establish and manage ICCAs. “ICCA" is an abbreviation for territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities. Introduction. Protection for land rights defenders.Submit a Good Practice on youth access to land today!United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP),Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, ILO 169,"ICCAs and the ICCA Consortium – Conserving territories of life”.If you are interested in joining the ICCA Consortium movement,Are you looking for more information?
Learn. Women Champions of Buffalo River.