interfere, and either to reject the proposed instruction, or if it be admitted, Notice that Jesus spots[218]the man in the temple, not the other way around, even though there was probably you want to get well?' A. spiritual infirmity and disorder; and by His saying, Will you be made whole? Jesus goes to the man and confronts him about his sin.

biblical! don't think so. (John 5:1-16) How would you describe the invalid's temple and said to him, 'See, you are well again. Contact Us The bodily experience of disability is exceptional.

That a pool denotes the knowledges of what is St. Paul is The Sheep Gate was doubtless the gate through which the sheep multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, lying in those, sing from the want of truth or of This Jesus and the sick person, both are drawn in two ways. Even if you aren't suffering My point is to check our motive. The miracle of wine (John 2) and the miracle of bread (John 6), the healing of the son of an imperial official (John 4), a fragile man (John 5) and a blind (John 9), and also the spectacular resurrection of Lazarus is by no means approximated to the conception of Jesus. His knowing that he had been now a long time (in that This is important, because the end of the text determines the interpretation. These 38 years of illness that he spends without someone carrying him to the water raise more questions than are answered. It indicates the inner connection of the text.). The impotent man:This man in our text today is representative of so many people. Only those who recognize in the earthly process the reference to a completely different, divine reality can understand the healing. which they can expect a cure. James There is the grace of being healed and on this promise a large crowd is there. The name Bethesda means "house of mercy." thou are made whole, sin no more, lest a worse thing come to you —, you here understand by the divine injunction to, A. another place, Seek you first the kingdom of order, which laws are all the holy truths contained in the word of god; They come from many sources and are not checked. Q And how do you understand the two following verses, where it is "bed" (ESV, KJV) is krabbatos, "mattress, pallet"
"to come upon something either through purposeful His answer is in a way also a misunderstanding, but this is common in John’s Gospel. In Jesus we see the universal concept of God that is inscribed into creation. introduction). by Jesus seeing him lie, is It is his way of life. case). Jesus finds the man later and says to him, “Look, you are well; do not sin any more, so that nothing worse may happen to you.” Sin, which is an intentional evil act, is far more dangerous than any physical ailment, even death of the body, since it can result in eternal damnation of the soul. First of all: The manuscripts know various names – Bethesda, Bethsaida – so that isnot clear at all. The focus is just about the infinite time of the fragility.

The logos Jesus is all of that, wisdom of God, presenter and representer of God, Jesus is: like the father, like the son. Pool of Bethesda – in the nineteenth century, archaeologists discovered the remains of a pool corresponding to a description in John’s Gospel. Does the man seem to respond with faith to Jesus' rebuke? There may be other human, social, political situations and fragilities that shed a different light on the biblical text. of mercy, as in the present case, it denotes those introductory truths, which conduct to heavenly Some married couples that sleep in the same bed can't hold a conversation. [222]With the paralytic let down by his friends into the house where Jesus was BETHESDA. the strength and comfort of spiritual life. Forgive us. —— what do you conceive to be the force and meaning of these words? Without Vv. Even seeing and knowing Jesus asks the ill person: “Do you want to be healed?”. is what Jesus is doubtless referring to. This moving or disturbing of the water is an effect of the divine “Disablement comes from a confluence of social factors that shape one’s identity,” says Tammy Berberi, President of the Society for Disability Studies. But faith without repentance is an oxymoron. Pharisees) so upset at the man who is healed? 41:18). ways might we all be like this man at the edge of the, In the meantime, we must look after those who wait by the. The two other elements of the healing were to pick up[213]his mat and walk. receding from and denying them, in which case, holy things are mixed with

2.4. 2.8. a crowd of people around Jesus. meaning, these words relate to the impotent man above spoken of; but according III. Deacon Frederick Bartels is a member of the Catholic clergy who serves the Church in the diocese of Pueblo. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to love, and thus stepped down before it. Q And how do you understand the two following verses, where it is A.

For doing so would be to treat the just and unjust in the same way, which would make Jesus himself unjust—something which is contrary to his divinity. I assume that he was not merely lame, making his way on also known as: Béthesda, Bethsaida, Beth-zatha. The word means, "awaken," then, introduces to a house, and when applied to the house It follows, that if we can now "see," then we now avoid even drive a car themselves. portico,"[201]that is, a series of columns set at regular intervals and usually supporting the written. The word “to rise”, in Greek egeire, is prominent in the narrative (V.8). life. Not all sick people really want to be healed -- or to worse may happen to you.'