North Pacific right whales prefer large calanoid copepods—are crustaceans about the size of a grain of rice—but they will also eat krill and larval barnacles. They are generally regarded as non-aggressive, and what can be described as tender, towards others of their species, including competing males, potential mates, and young. They may also communicate by means of physical contact such as touching one another’s flippers and bumping into each other.These whales are the rarest amongst all the species of large whale, and the rarest of marine mammals.Instead of teeth, right whales have 8-inch long baleen plates.

The Northeast Pacific subpopulation summers in the southeastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. Overall, these whales are classified as Endangered (EN) and are currently on the list of threatened species.1. Yet, individual ecotypes or populations are often extremely specialized. They tend to make 5 to 6 shallow dives before a longer diving session.North Pacific right whales may swim towards boats and allow boats to approach them, as they are very friendly. North Pacific right whales migrate from summer to winter grounds. They are generally regarded as non-aggressive, and what can be described as tender, towards others of their species, including competing males, potential mates, and young. In terms of size the north pacific right whale can reach lengths of up to 65 ft. however most whales’ measure closer to 48 – 60 ft. long and weigh between 100,000 – 180,000 lbs. The upper jaw is the shape of an arch, from which hang its large, slender baleen plates. North Pacific Right Whale Wikipedia article -,2. Its color is usually black; often it has a mottled appearance or white ventral patches.This whale occurs throughout the North Pacific Ocean, from Russia and Japan in the west to North America's west coast and Alaska in the east. Environmental changes and pollution may also be threats.According to the IUCN Red List, the total number of the North Pacific right whale is around 500 individuals, including approximately 400 whales in the Okhotsk Sea and around 100 whales for the rest of the North Pacific. In addition to the white calluses that grow on their head these whales are also distinguished by their large broad backs which are absent of a dorsal or stabilizer fin.
North Pacific right whale mainly inhabit coastal or shelf waters, however, movement over deep waters has been observed.North Pacific whales can generally be found traveling on their own or in pods of just 2-3 whales. They consume whatever gets picked up … They are curious, playful animals, and often bump and poke objects they come across in the water. The population of the western North Pacific spends summer in the Okhotsk Sea and is occasionally sighted off Japan's east coast. Although slow, they are surprisingly acrobatic, and are known for breaching, as well as slapping their flippers against the water's surface when they roll over. North Pacific Right Whale on The IUCN Red List site -,, whales communicate with low-pitched whining and moaning sounds, which are able to be heard a long way away. North Pacific right whales migrate from summer to winter grounds.

Its seven neck vertebrae fuse into a single mass, and it has hardened layers of skin on its head, lips and chin, usually covered in whale lice and called callosities.

These whales are sexually maturity from about 8 – 11 years old, at which time they may bear their own offspring.It is not possible to assess every threat to this species, due to their scattered distribution and rare occurrence, but they could include entanglement in fishing equipment and collisions with passing ships. when fully matured with up to 40% of its body weight consisting of blubber.

The North Pacific right whale is one of the giant whales and its head takes up about one third of its body length, and seems almost disproportionately large. Its body is broad and robust, and it has large, wide pectoral flippers. Breeding generally occurs in winter, and, after a gestation period of 12-13 months, females give birth to a single calf.
Mating behavior in right whales includes tail and fin slapping at the surface, breaching and "headstanding". These comb-like structures separate the food from ingested water, acting like a sieve.Right whales can stay under the water for 20 minutes. A calf remains close to its mother and suckles for about a year.

Killer whales are the largest predator of warm-blooded animals alive today.Globally, killer whales appear to have an extremely diverse diet.