MICE events are useful for a no number of occasions. So, we cannot accept the hypothesis 1 that controlling the number of overseas tourists, there will be a significant difference in means of overseas tourism income of Korea between groups with different levels of the expenditure of a foreign attendee of MICE held in Korea. Statistics on Number of Overseas Tourists. This study suggested that researchers should understand visitors’ motivation, composition of visitors and average spending to estimate accurate economic impact of events (Kwiatkowski, Diedering & Oklevik, 2018). So, the number of attendance can be a one of basic indicators for estimating the economic effect of the MICE industry. It also allows corporations to mix business with pleasure making work look more fun and inspirational. In order to find the relationship between the MICE industry and overseas tourism income, it is necessary to provide representative indicators for measuring the MICE industry as well as measures for overseas tourism income. Eta-squared square test will be used to find out the relationship strength. In addition, there was a study which examined the economic impact of the Daejeon convention center in Korea based on surveys and a regional input–output (I–O) model (Lee, C., Lee, M. & Yoon, 2013). MICE tourism acronym stands for Meeting, Incentive Travel, Conferences and Exhibitions. The total expenditure was approximately US$684.7 million constituted 0.0953% of the Korean gross domestic product in 2004. Second, including expenditure by tourists not related to the convention or event in estimating the economic impact can result in overestimation. Based on the literature review, expenditures of a foreign attendee, number of foreign attendees, number of MICE, and number of nights stayed by a foreign attendee can be selected as indicators that represent the attributes of the MICE industry. Major countries including Korea have tried to support the MICE industry. Specifically, for the expenditure of a foreign attendee of MICE and the number of nights stayed by a foreign attendee of MICE held in Korea, surveys on MICE participants by KTO from 2011 to 2016 were used.

Delegate expenditures were included as an important measure to assess the MICE industry in Pearlman’s study even though he doubted that no researcher agree that which measurement is the most appropriate one for ranking destinations’ performance (Pearlman, 2008). Required fields are marked *. Lack of motivation is one of the problems that most affects companies in Brazil. The measurement of variables is shown in Table 1.

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However, given that the difference between the largest mean income 1,263 and the smallest one 1,261 is less than two times of the smallest income and ANOVA is a too robust test to violate the equal variance assumption, it is likely that the results of STATA may be interpreted as meaningful. The result of Eta-squared square test for number of MICE. Economic impacts of conferences and conventions. Despite these limitations, this study is meaningful in that it demonstrates that the MICE industry has some positive correlation with overseas tourism income even when the number of overseas general tourists is controlled. When planning a MICE, aim to start from the beginning, asking yourself the 5 W’s and the 2 H’s first: These are the most fundamental questions for common problem solving you’ll need to sort out when you start planning any MICE event. Brussel: UIA. First, usually the large number of delegates for one convention participate. Table 8-1. The results of the I–O model presented that the Daejeon Convention Center created US$488 million of output impact, US$102 million of income impact, US$233 million of value added impact, and 10,211 jobs.