
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Category:Character images. All the survivors have admirable and redeeming qualities to them. New: Though fashion-impaired and frequently the target of school bullies, Nick sees everything as "classic" high school, and manages to carry himself with confidence and an innate charm.

It is an online 6-player game, in which five players play as survivors and one controls the enemies faced by the survivors.

²----²* BaldOfEvil: Not a hair on his head and he has an unstoppable desire to mash teenagers into ''paste. Sam²''"Let's stick together this time. Fiends²[[folder:As A Whole]]²* AxCrazy: All of them are murderous psychopaths hunting down students.²* BigBadEnsemble: The Classmates face three different Fiends per match, rather than facing off with one.²* HumanoidAbomination: Though they appear to be normal humans (with the exception of the Spider), they're all able to disappear and reappear from green mist at will, and possess powerful supernatural abilities. Endless stream of sarcasm and rude remarks? Even the AlphaBitch has a HiddenHeartOfGold.²* BadassNormal: All of them really aren't afraid of what they're going up against in the nightmare.²* CommonCharacterClasses: Four of them, in which the survivors can select from the start. His classic outfit suggests he's an escaped convict, leaving one to wonder what unspeakable acts of destruction lands someone in jail within the already horrific confines of The Nightmare. Geek. Sam seems to be the stereotypical image of an outcast.

The Pipe Bomb can be used to damage the killer or simply just to kill them but be careful when using it because it can also have the same effect on survivors. She’s secretly in love with Chad but he doesn’t even know she exists. Media in category "Character images" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 … ''²* BareFistedMonk: Doesn't have a weapon like the other Fiends. Amber is not about to let a few serial murderers get in the way of her college applications, so when she enters the Nightmare, it's with a ferocity and a drive that is a surprise to the group — and perhaps to her.²----²* TheAce: Pretty, popular, smart, and as the game shows, a pretty damn good athlete.²* AlphaBitch: Pretty? ²* WomanChild: [[DownplayedTrope Downplayed.]] Sam looks like an average schoolgirl who wears a green T-shirt with a shooting star on it and grey pants with a pink hairpin on her hair. Spider²-->'''Voiced by:''' ?? ²----²* ArmorPiercingSlap: He can definitely do this to nearby survivors.²* AnkleDrag: He does this in his ambush if an unsuspecting student happens to be too close to a vent.²* BandagedFace: Most of his face is covered in bloody bandages.²* CreepyBlueEyes: The only Fiend to have visible pupils.²* EyeScream: Nearly all of his executions involve this.²* {{Fingore}}: He's missing the tip of his right index finger.²* FlippingTheBird: He performs this during his Threat emote and when chosen for the Fiend deck.²* LaughingMad: He laughs constantly.²* SeniorCreep: A hunchbacked, filthy old man who wants nothing more than to stab teenagers' eyes out with rusty scissors, laughing insanely all the while. "''²-->'''Voiced by:''' Michael Johnston²[[quoteright:275:]] ² [[caption-width-right:275:Nerd. Whatever dark desire drives him to choke the life from his victims, wrap them up in chains, is of little import; what matters is a broken mind and twisted morals make his every move impossible to predict. She's smart, savvy, and can move from bubbly to cutting in a flash. Killers Survivors Content. Most of these items require gathering materials/scrap scattered throughout every single map. Being the group's Medic, Sam can heal her allies and can craft items or upgrade her First Aid Kit to gain new abilities such as having more charges so she can heal her team more. ]]²Sam can't seem to catch a break. She's smart, savvy, and can move from bubbly to cutting in a flash. She also owns a pet bunny and aspires to become a veterinarian after graduating.²* NiceGirl: She's actually adorkable in her own unique way.²** BewareTheNiceOnes: [[DownplayedTrope Downplayed.]] All the survivors have admirable and redeeming qualities to them. Samantha Bennett also nicknamed as Sam is one of the six survivors at East Side Highschool who will survive the sociopathic rampage of various Killers. Old: He claims to have some fighting experience from [=LARPing=]. The eight-legged menace stalks the halls of East High and beyond, relentlessly seeking her quarry and spreading venom to poison the students she intends to make her meal.²²She's the first Fiend to be added after the game's initial launch with Chapter 1: Afterdark.²----²* ActionBomb: Due to her DefeatEqualsExplosion property, a cunning player can use The Spider to force the Classmates to learn a valuable lesson in spacing.²* AmbiguousGender: The Classmates always refer to her with male pronouns, as they do with all other Fiends.²* AnthropomorphicPersonification: Per the official website, it's the living embodiment of the fear of spiders.²* AnimalisticAbomination: Despite looking like one, it’s not an actual spider, instead being the corporeal manifestation of arachnophobia itself.²* AntlionMonster: Can ambush Classmates by bursting out of the ground and dragging them into pits.²* DefeatEqualsExplosion: The Spider's abdomen swells up and explodes in a spray of venom upon death.²* ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin: The first Fiend that isn't a human, but a giant spider.²* FragileSpeedster: Easily the fastest Fiend.

Strangler²-->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/RayChase²[[quoteright:277:]] ² [[caption-width-right:277:...]]²A twitching, snickering Fiend, The Strangler is possessed of a supernatural madness that has reduced him to something not quite human. [[GameplayAndStorySegregation He's just as capable of hacking computers as the other students, though. The Giant can grab a survivor and throw them quite a bit away, dealing a heavy amount of damage to them that, sometimes, can drop them to zero health with a punch immediately after leading to an easy kill.²[[/folder]]²[[folder:The Strangler]]²! The items that she can craft are a Pipe Bomb, a Belt Flashlight, or a Shocker.