Not at all. Now let’s say you read a story and the main character’s name is Brent.

Then they found that they could not move it.In thick woods, a tree sometimes won’t fall down.

After finishing high school, Siv worked for a while with a Cambodian airline company.

Of course, the beaver doesn’t think to cut down the trees that are in the way. Back to the question

Most of all, they are exhausted when they arrive at the campsite for the night.The second day, the runners awaken at 6:00 a.m. How much/many?

French fries are made from potatoes. The best ones are strongly built of trees, stones, and mud.

In addition, we know that the founder of Facebook has been extremely successful and is worth billions of dollars.From this we can infer that other people wanted to imitate Facebook’s idea and become just as successful as Mark Zuckerberg.Let’s go through the other answers. Find Definitions From Structural Clues.Skill 6. TEAS Reading: Supporting Details These answers are affiliated with both the articles and won't make much sense by themselves.Kelly Roell is the author of "Ace the ACT. " Ask the questions in sequence, going back to the text to formulate answers. When the Khmer Rouge won the war, the situation in Cambodia got worse.

ETS loves to craft answer choices that are too broad for the passage.

Almost $100,000 was raised for the Red Cross.Dolly Madison saw to it that a magnificent painting of George Washington was not destroyed during the War of 1812. Then the plump brown raisins have a last inspection. They must cover 18 miles that day. A grass from which houses, furniture, boats, and hundreds of other useful things can be made? If you chose D, you might be using the information that Mark Zuckerberg is worth over 28 billion dollars. Typically, there will be several questions dealing with facts from the selection, a couple more inference questions dealing with logical consequences of those facts, and periodically an application-oriented question surfaces to force you to make connections with what you already know.Some students prefer to answer the questions as listed, and feel classifying the question and then ordering is wasting precious time. They plowed the land in such a way that rains would not wash away valuable soil, and dug ditches to carry water into dry areas for farming.Even though they did not know about the wheel, the Incas were able to move huge stone blocks-some as heavy as 10 tons-up the sides of mountains to build walls. When you arebasked to determine the meaning of a word in the reading section, it is poss...SKILL 6. The temperature soars to 125 degrees Fahrenheit, and many runners cannot make it. Because they are allowed less than nine quarts of water during each day of the race, they also suffer from a lack of water.

Why? Dust and sand mix with the runners’ sweat. No wonder, then, that the lives of nearly half the people on earth would change enormously if there were no longer any bamboo. When you are asked to determine the meaning of a long word you do not know in the reading...In the middle of a bright day, I planned to have lunch in a new restaurant. The race’s challenges, and many not finishing (C) are details informing the main point.

One of the sides in this war was the Cambodian government. No one knows why this great city was built, nor is it likely that anyone will ever know. This quiz/worksheet combo will help you to create overall strategies for tackling main idea and generalization questions on the ACT, as well as check your ability to answer these types of questions.

For example, remember the first time you saw the movie “The Lion King.”  When you meet ….Thanks a lot.

However, in the United States most potatoes are devoured in the form of French fries.

Determine Meanings from word parts. No wonder, too, that for many people, bamboo is a symbol of happiness and good fortune.Every year since 1986, some of the world’s most daring runners have gathered in the desert of Morocco.
The runners complete the course in fewer than seven days, and they run with their food, clothing, and sleeping bags on their backs.The Marathon of the Sands was founded in 1986 by Patrick Bauer.

So there doesn’t seem to be enough support for choice A.

When beavers cut a tree near a stream, it usually falls into the water, but they do not plan it that way.

Drawing inferences isn’t always this simple, but it is the same basic principle. Often the beaver does not make use of the tree. He wrote letters to many colleges and universities. Most of the runners in this race have found that they form deep friendships with the other runners during their days and nights in the desert.

Read the passage below and answer question 3. Finally, in 1980, he was able to study at Columbia University in New York City. This helped a lot!

Main Idea: The digital divide is not an easily solved economic issue, as it may seem at first, but rather a social issue and one that is merely a glimpse into the bigger picture of social inequality. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and chooses the best answer from the remaining choices.SKILL 8. In addition to more than 3 million US patents, it houses more than 7 million foreign patents and thousands of volumes of technical literature. It states the flag should be lowered slowly, not quickly (E).The many uses of bamboo, and the fact it is a grass, are the main focus.

Readers already know French fries are made from potatoes (C), a detail the passage assumes. Donot be misled by minor details; focus on the key ideas: Pay attention to the central ideas only. Readers already know French fries are made from potatoes (C), a detail the passage assumes. With what is the author primarily concerned.?5. It decided to fix a leak in a man-made dam.

Helicopters rush fallen runners to medical help.