With fierce competition.
Complete this form and we'll get back to you within 1-2 business days. The RFP is intended to clearly outline everything that the buyer is looking for including meeting space requirements, the length of the event, and the expected number of attendees.The best RFP software will let you automate the following strategies so you can respond fast and win more bids.If you’re like most hoteliers and event planners, you’re inundated with a huge volume of RFPs coming in from online channels like Cvent and StarCite, over the phone, via email, and even fax.With an influx of RFPs, many hotel sales teams try to prioritize the larger, more profitable events — ignoring the growing volume of small group RFPs that could help fill function space and maximize revenue.

Tailor your response. It’s where you have your biggest presence, where the biggest number of employees are traveling, where your biggest customer bases are. Well, good news, there are!Pauline Houston, global director of hotel sales and strategy at American Express Global Business Travel (GBT), has worked with many clients through the years on improving their RFP practices.
These tools might actually get you excited about the bidding and negotiating process and can ultimately help you identify the right business for your property. NAME* EMAIL* MESSAGE OR COMMENT. It’s now easier than ever for hoteliers and event planners to manage the RFP process and win more bids.For more information about MeetingBroker or other software solutions that can improve your organization.In partnership with global hospitality organizations HSMAI, IoH, and HOSPA, we developed a series of recovery eBooks to help hospitality professionals chart their course for recovery in the aftermath of COVID-19. This allows you to respond quickly with the right information. Keep in mind, the goal is to approach the RFP for hotels and other venues in a way that maximizes your time and streamlines the selection process. Check out the three reports our Global Business Consulting team has put together.

"Nexus TargetworX helps us capitalize on an opportunity by allowing us to match the account's needs with our hotel offerings." RFP – Nobu Hotel Warsaw Kelly Chu 2020-04-22T14:24:11+00:00 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Please contact our professional planning team to obtain a customized proposal for your upcoming event “But he can reduce it to the core number that he needs in his high-demand locations and then he can utilize other forms of support in terms of the content that we’ve negotiated.”.With this approach, he can still control his costs by putting in place a limit on the room rate (aka a rate cap), which is usually done by key city or region. terms of use intends to transfer any intellectual property rights to, or to vest any intellectual property or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Site and in the material published in it. What she has come to discover is, you do not need to go through the extensive RFP rigmarole each year to achieve your hotel program goals, that there are alternative ways to do it all — create the savings you’re seeking, deliver the kind of experience your travelers need (and deserve) when traveling for business and capture the information necessary for duty of care. After all, not every event is the right fit for every hotel or event venue.And if you get an RFP through Cvent or a similar channel, you know that there are at least 10 other hotels that just received the same one.