If you would like to add a resource.EIC is a voice for our members and for our industry.We are working with members and partners to unify our voice and communicate loudly: We are the events industry and we will drive economic recovery – but we need help now.
Takeaways from the Events Industry Council’s COVID-19 webinar: Maintain perspective. COVID-19 – the new coronavirus – is having a drastic impact on our industry globally. These will evolve over time, so watch this space for more updates.We invite all event professionals to share this website by using this,Standards, practices and research to elevate the events industry,Global member and industry partner resources,APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force,Centre for Sustainability and Social Impact,Message from CEO Amy Calvert: Let’s Unify Our Voice – Global and U.S. The following compilation of resources represents the passion and activities of many of our member organisations and peers.Industry and trade media, as well as mainstream media around the world, are reporting on this issue. A post on the Lancashire County Council Twitter account said: "We are expecting an announcement later today by Government on new measures to bring down the rate of Covid-19 infections in Lancashire. Overcommunicate with your audience.

We created two letters that can be customized by members and used for outreach to key policy makers: a global letter and a U.S. letter. Video,The fireman 'saving what's not burnt' of the Amazon.
Events Industry Council 2001 K Street, NW, 3rd Floor North Washington, DC 20006 +1 202 367 1190 | info@eventscouncil.org Login Events Industry Council 2001 K Street, NW, 3rd Floor North Washington, DC 20006 +1 202 367 1190 | info@eventscouncil.org Login Be aware that this is a rapidly changing situation. As events are canceled because of COVID-19, event planning industry takes hit, reduces incomes . The Events Industry Council releases resources as the task force work groups curate and aggregate content. ... according to an Oxford Economics and Events Industry Council study in 2018. "The sector is on the brink of collapse. Global group will curate accepted practices across the events eco-system and provide framework for meeting face to face again safely.

We created two letters that can be customized by members and used for outreach to key policy makers: a.We have issued the following statements related to COVID-19:The economic impact of the events industry is significant. Standards, practices and research to elevate the events industry,Global member and industry partner resources,APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force,Centre for Sustainability and Social Impact,Accepted Practices Exchange (APEX) Commission,Develops and maintains EIC accepted practices operational templates,Develops and maintains guidance and reference tools including the industry glossary, risk management guidebook, and virtual and hybrid meetings guidebook,Integrates task force recommendations into EIC templates,Convenes industry task forces, as required, to address industry-wide issues. It is an informational and non-exhaustive list, created with insight from colleagues across the event industry, and including the GLA, London Borough of Newham and London Legacy Development Corporation.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It is vital and will play a pivotal role in the world’s economic recovery from COVID-19.We are, at our core as human beings, called to connect face to face. The Events Industry Council (EIC) held a webinar on Feb. 7, “Industry Discussion on Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): Identifying Reliable Sources and Factors for Informed Decision-Making.” Here are some takeaways. We have issued the following statements related to COVID-19: 24 March … Coronavirus: Dundee boss warns help still not in place for events industry despite repeated pleas by Jake Keith September 11 2020, 7.21am Updated: September 11 2020, 9.52am Outdoor Arts UK has lots of useful resources, as well as webinars and drop-in sessions; Association of Event Organisers has specific guidance for the outdoor arts sector; Emergency Exit Arts are also hosting webinars and providing information ; Events Industry Forum have created a guide to keeping workers and audiences safe during COVID-19; This 60 minute online course … The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.Bristol's music venues were lit-up in red on Tuesday and 100 workers wearing black with red masks stood together at College Green.The performance was part of the nationwide.DJ Ellie Holland said the city's events sector has been "temporarily floored". Get information and guidance on the coronavirus outbreak.The GLA recognises the difficulties that those connected to the events sector are currently facing as part of the COVID-19 pandemic. I feel we’ve been forgotten about by the government.”.The business currently employs three full-time and one part-time staff.It also engages with around a dozen local audiovisual freelance and stage rigging technicians, many of whom are young people who have qualified from Perth College.Events and culture are one of the few sectors still prevented from returning after the pandemic and.Scottish Government guidelines currently prevent gatherings of 30 or more people, however, some test events in rugby and football are being planned.It is understood there are three possible support grants available through the Creative, Tourism & Hospitality Enterprises Hardship Fund, the Events Industry Support Fund and the new Independent Cinema Recovery and Resilience Fund.However, Mr Langlands said he has only received a “very efficiently” delivered small business grant from Dundee City Council.He said: “These other grants have still not reached us.

"Seeing the Bristol events community come together to push this campaign really was heart-warming.