“A gifted politician, lawyer, and athlete, Mr. Turner became Canada’s 17th Prime Minister after having served in numerous other capacities,” Prime Minister Justin Trudea said in a written statement. The free trade agreement was popular for the critical components of the Conservatives’ electoral coalition.

Despite his declining health, he was a mainstay at many Liberal events. Parmi les partis mineurs participant également à l'élection, le Parti de l'héritage chrétien, qui présente pour la première fois des candidats lors d'une élection générale, appuie le principe du libre-échange mais exprime de sérieuses réserves sur l'accord tel que négocié. Le Nouveau Parti démocratique obtient 43 sièges et un peu plus de 20 % des voix, un record historique pour ce parti social-démocrate. Free trade with the United States dominated almost all of the election speeches and debates. Defenders of the agreement argued that this would provide the economic “cold shower” that the Canadian economy needed. The Conservative style of campaigning focused on regional politics and clever strategy. Edited by Wayne D. Madden. The free trade debates, combined with efforts at constitutional reform, made the 1988 election very emotionally-charged. He will be greatly missed. He was an active member in Lester Pearson’s cabinet as a rebel MP advocating for reform of party politics. In the Meech Lake Accord, they agreed to amend the Constitution to recognize Québec as a distinct society and to allow all provinces a greater role in the appointment of senators and Supreme Court judges. Since that time, politicians had stayed away from the issue, but in 1988 Brian Mulroney’s Conservatives felt the time was right to start free-trade negotiations with the Americans. Outre le Parti réformiste et le Parti Rhinocéros, aucun tiers parti n'obtient plus de 1 % des voix. The following are highlights of Mulroney’s political career: Mulroney retired from politics in 1993. This Canada Day we’re wishing a happy 100th anniversary to Elections Canada! He once compared his job to that of a hockey star. The 1988 election is remembered for the passionate debate over the issue and the outcome. “But there was another side to him. The 1988 election provided a rematch with Mulroney over the Canada-U.S. free trade agreement, which Turner vehemently opposed, later calling it the fight of his life. The fact that all three major parties supported the agreement, and the complexity of its provisions, however, limited the importance of Meech Lake as an election issue. The 1988 Canadian federal election was held November 21, 1988, to elect members of the House of Commons of Canada of the 34th Parliament of Canada. He immigrated to Canada with his family in 1932. “The apprenticeship is absolutely vital.

Des 17 639 001 personnes inscrites sur les listes électorales, 13 281 191 électeurs, soit environ 75 % des personnes inscrites, se sont prévalus de leur droit de vote ; 13 175 599 votes sont reconnus valides (99,20 %) contre 105 592 bulletins (0,80 %) qui sont rejetés. By the early 1980s, Canada saw high unemployment and inflation, and a ballooning federal budget deficit. Many Quebeckers also resented Ottawa’s power and the 1982 constitutional settlement. The young lawyer caused a stir when he danced with Princess Margaret at a party in 1959, giving rise to speculation that the two would become a couple. After a long period of Liberal power in Canada, the 1984 election left the party in tatters. The Free Trade Agreement was touted by the PC Party as an innovative, forward-moving policy that proved the PCs were committed to positive change. Their acceptance of the Canada Act 1982 relied on the federal government meeting certain demands. Although scandals and patronage had damaged his popularity after he became prime minister in 1984, Brian Mulroney had begun to recover in his fourth year in office. A number of his ministers were forced out of office. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the. The NDP tried to capitalize on Broadbent’s personal popularity, but to no avail. Ottawa: Library of Parliament, 1988-Elections Canada opens up to conduct federal election across Canada.

He will be a candidate in the 2004 federal election. Economic recession, constitutional initiatives, and a free trade negotiation with the USA would set the stage for this election. document.write(" " + now.getDate() + " " + monName[now.getMonth()] + " 2000" + "."), Canada: 1953-1963 Parliamentary Elections, Canada: 1930-1949 Parliamentary Elections, Canada: 1900-1926 Parliamentary Elections, Canada: 1882-1896 Parliamentary Elections, Canada: 1867-1878 Parliamentary Elections. In 1984, the PCs managed to add strong Quebec support to its traditional support base in western Canada. Watch a clip of the Leadership Debate (link to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). Free trade was controversial, and a vigorous debate over the merits of the agreement began. They had coups and counter-coups going on. Voter turnout for this election was high, and Brian Mulroney was re-elected Prime Minister of Canada, with John Turner as the leader of the Official Opposition. Elections Canada, Voter Turnout at Federal Elections and Referendums, 1867-2000 www.elections.ca. Although they were ostensibly taking on the Mulroney Conservatives, they were also looking over their shoulders at the NDP.
Ottawa: Elections Canada, 1993. Although the NDP was not plagued with the divisions facing the Liberals on free trade, the focus on the single issue did not play to the NDP’s strengths.