Census Bureau: Frequently Occurring Surnames from the Census 2000 (public domain). Learn more. Then they engaged in hand to hand fighting,The basic British infantryman, like his French and German contemporaries, was issued with his uniform, webbing and a rifle with,As the second soldier turned in surprise to see who had shot his comrade, Dawson ran him through with his,The eyepiece is quickly and easily affixed with a three point.The units manage fitness by frequent fitness testing,Officers were armed with sword and revolver, other ranks with,Unexpectedly faced with detention in the post guardhouse, he made a desperate break for freedom and received a mortal,Lashed to the end of the blowpipe is a sharp,The recruitment sergeant reputedly stuck a havercake on the top of his,Shortly after, when her telephone call for help is ignored by a gossiping switchboard operator, she meets her own end, on the blade of a,The invention and proliferation of the ring,In a two-day battle, Radetzky concentrated 33,000 troops, took Custoza with the,On 7 September, resisting confinement in the post guardhouse, he received a fatal wound from a soldier's,One of my men whom I knew for a womanish fellow, asked if he should put his,At a feature called Hill 180, under grenade and rifle fire, he led two platoons in a,He then jumped into the crater with a knobkerrie and had brained another of the enemy when he was himself struck through the shoulder by a,He leaned back on one foot and propped his,He learned about digging trenches and foxholes, using a,And if that isn't enough for you, there's also a,This prompts Sarah Lynn to stab herself with a Confederate,A man, dressed in rags, stalks across the field, impaling the bodies with a,I remember when my hair was darker and I had occasion to use a pugil stick on a practice,Sergeants were required to carry the pattern 1873 sword,Despite heavy casualties the fringe of the wood was soon reached and some,Today most incandescent lamps for general lighting service use an Edison screw in candelabra, intermediate, or standard or mogul sizes, or double contact,He returned to the front and saw some action in a night attack on the Nationalist trenches where he chased an enemy soldier with a,After an extensive repetition of volleys, followed by a,It prohibited the production of such weapons, including those that had more than one demonized feature such as a,He drew them up in two ranks facing each other, and began very deliberately with an allocution on the art of the,She thought that she had to avenge her husband, and had fixed the,He moved ponderously over to Roberts, drew from its scabbard the sword,Men rushed into the firing line at Przasnysz with a sword,One of our soldiers saw the situation, and ran and drove his sword,The shed was soon found, and the soldier forced the door open with his sword,However, I led the way, holding my candle high, and keeping the sword,Cossacks had to drive the unwilling men to Manchuria at the point of the,It was a night of agony by thirst, of nerve-wracking bomb explosions, and of,Attached to the bolster by a towel, under his father's,I could see Joe make a one-handed lunge with the rifle, and the,The fellow was a broad-chested, short-necked German, armed with rifle and,Not one turban was seen between the battlements, not one carabineer's,However, he was compelled to leg it at the point of an American.Then we had the usual equipment, pouches containing 120 rounds,One dragoon advanced and was struck off his horse by the,Without wasting time in firing, they advanced with the,I killed a French sergeant myself with my,Armies of troops were put into the field, and the fanatics were herded back at the,Barclay, ride and order the Zouaves to carry it, with the,A Croat was seen carrying a babe transfixed upon his,Whereupon the Soudanese caught hold of the,A sad day it was for the poor Acadians when the armed soldiers drove them, at the point of the,There was no motion in the heated air, but the rain fell like,Shall it be Champ-Aubert, where we ran out of cartridges, and furbished them just the same with the,The special weapon of the foot soldier, or infantryman, is the,The commisar ordered one of the Red Guard to,He was not one of those tough-hided and small-hearted males who would marry their love at the point of the.