Your children will have more education options. What I haven’t seen yet, is anybody that can actually give us one compelling reason why we should STAY in Canada. Won’t get made uncompetitive by Carbon Tax.

Get to vote for President, not just watch. Why should they be over-regulated and talked down to by a government that thinks it knows what's best for its people and treats them like babies? September 1, 2020 | Alberta – Should it Join the USA or Be Independent? — …
You get an alpha male leader you can be proud of instead of a sissy. Get a national culture & identity (vs “post-national”). 19. The American society treats you like a grown up by default. Keep your independence. Military industrial complex creates jobs. He is best known for his economic predictions based on … The WEXIT (Alberta separatism movement) is alive and well here and so this is something to be considered for your blog. Canada's is nearly non-existent by comparison. Cheaper to heat your home with no CO2 tax. Why pay more tax if you don't have to? Join the conversation Alberta voted conservative and now has almost zero representation in government. Plans are usually cheaper as well. There is a rising tide of support for Alberta to exit the raw deal it entered in 1905 called Confederation and apply for statehood with the U.S. Congress. Sure, you love your CFL teams, but wouldn't it be more exciting if your local franchise was NFL? I am seeing a lot of people that seem to dislike Alberta. Personally I would fight this as it is a bad deal for Alberta (given US deficits and the tiny representation in the US Congress). Please stop embarrassing the Province of Alberta more than you already have. First, Canada would demand you to accept part of their debt. A recent survey showed that 20 per cent of Albertans believe the separation of Western provinces from Canada is a good idea while 26 per cent said they could live with it. If you live in in Edmonton or Ottawa, you might see some interesting billboards pretty soon. ", Let’s get ready to rumble

"If there's something that those in the political right and the political left in Alberta both agree on, it is that Jason Kenney is not doing a good job for Albertans," Downing told the Edmonton Journal.

Again, it's probably due to a larger economy of scale. Meanwhile, very bad people are walking our streets.

shuts down nightclubs and moves up last call for bars, Halifax man shares video of anti-Black racist encounter, Sign up for our free email newsletter. He will start making Canada pay for the protection it gets from Uncle Sam, and if Canada won't pay, he'll make it up on increased tariffs. Canada elected its Obama (Trudeau) just on the eve of America rejecting him. QUESTION: Hi Marty, Join now to receive daily email updates. Alberta is the only province that is a net… Skip to Content. Lower corporate tax better for small business.
The right to bear arms is an inalienable right ingrained in the U.S. Constitution, which can't be taken away. Then to join the United States, forget the deficits since all countries have that. Visit Guest's Website. The super-rich can afford to pay bribes and know how to do it. Free to travel to sunny states for as long as you want. Canada is becoming the last bastion of globalism and makes domestic matters take a back seat to "virtuous" acts of saving people in faraway lands. « Canada Protest Against COVID Restrictions, Parksville & Qualicum Beach in BC, Canada Outlaw COVID Restrictions ». I will be one of the first in line for that. This lack of diversity is very risky, as witnessed after the fall of oil prices. By Peter Zeihan and Michael N. Nayebi-Oskoui Local politics, even at the national level, are rarely a focus for students of geopolitics. 44. You get to apply your energy to making America great again, instead of being trapped in a socialist country where your blood, sweat, and tears (and tax dollars) go to a leftist government that makes terrible decisions which work against you. 41. 28. Trump is going to play hardball on trade. When he has leverage, he will use it to the advantage of the USA. Alberta – Should it Join the USA or Be Independent? This will hurt Canadians' ability to buy vacations, real estate and consumer goods from the US. While these billboards will only be up for a week, they will also appear in Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City shortly after. comments, Canada's latest COVID-19 modelling indicates huge spike of cases in the next 10 days, There's a huge fight over lobster fishing in Nova Scotia right now, Woman says human rights violated after LUSH store kicks her out for not wearing mask, A fisherman in Canada keeps catching some of the strangest fish ever, Masks Over Hugs group crashes anti-mask protest in Canada, 100 students in Edmonton self-isolating after being exposed to COVID-19 at high school, B.C. 50.