Like most gem quality garnets this is formed from a mix of different species of garnet – in this case primarily pyrope and almandine. The intensity of color-change can be quite strong, because It’s often surpassing that of the finest alexandrite. 51, No.

It depends on the type of light source. We have many more shapes and sizes available in Red Garnet – please contact us if you don’t find what you are looking for in our online inventory. Pure Garnet would be colorless; it is the trace elements that give garnets their colors. Garnets are part of a large family of silicate minerals that have similar physical properties but vary in chemical composition. Cleavage: None Garnet is the birthstone for January and comes in almost all colors of the spectrum including the rare color-change. Transparency: Transparent, translucent, opaque COLOR First, Size Second, Cut Third and Inclusions Fourth…! Color Change Garnets are rare above 2cts. Red Garnets generally saturate in color as they get bigger in size, like most gem quality garnets. The stones make up two solid solution series: pyrope-almandine-spessartine and also uvarovite-grossular-andradite. The different species are pyrope, also almandine, spessartine, grossular (varieties of which are hessonite or cinnamon-stone and tsavorite), uvarovite and andradite.
Hardness: 7 to 7.5 In order to truly appreciate the full range of color change garnet, specimens should be observed under a variety of lighting conditions, including early morning daylight, late afternoon daylight, fluorescent light and incandescent light or candlelight. All species of garnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms, but differ in chemical composition. "Jewels from the Woods (Blanco, Texas) displayed color-change pink pyrope garnets (see above) at the AGTA show. %%EOF This stone presents a color change from brownish in daylight to a rose pink in incandescent light. The name ‘Garnet’ derives from the Latin word for seed, possibly associated with the fruit Pomegranate whose seed covers resemble some Garnets. The most significant changes in color are from florescent light (blues, greens, greys) to incandescent light (pinks, purples, reds). Today’s newer LED lighting sometimes shows a fourth color too. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Whereas the phenomena of color change is not dependent on the viewing angle.

A mix of spessartite and pyrope.

129 0 obj <> endobj Color change garnet is typically a hybrid-mix of spessartite and pyrope garnet and in many cases, may also contain traces of grossularite or almandine garnet. The phenomena is quite intense and dramatic, surpassing that of the more expensive alexandrite. 1) The Pastel Pyrope Story See the original GIA interview that sparked it all! It is highly desired for its distinct ability to change color. reported a small piece of rough color-change garnet that appeared greenish blue in daylight and magenta by tungsten illumina- tion. Most of those stones will exhibit a brownish-green or bronze color when viewed under natural daylight, but when viewed under incandescent light, it will appear rose to pink in color. This stone presents a color change from brownish in daylight to a rose pink in incandescent light. What does platinum jewelry means in Cambodia. How not to be ripped off by buying a stone?
Chemical Formula: [Mg3 + Mn3]AL2(SIO4) – Manganese aluminum silicate This 20.00 ct oval color-change pyrope garnet was cut by Victor Tuzlukov. A rare and valuable member of the garnet group of gemstones. In 1975) Jobbins et al. 51, No. Density: 3.65 to 4.20 Bi-Color, Tri-Color & Multi-Color Tourmaline, Green-Yellow, Yellow, Orange & Brown Tourmaline, Orange, Yellow-Orange & Red-Orange Zircon. There are also a variety of other color change combinations possible. Refractive Index: 1.73 – 1.81 Crystal Structure: Cubic – rhombic, tetrahedron V anadium and Chromium-Bearing “Color-Change” Pyrope Garnet (Gems & Gemology, Winter 2015, Vol.