I don't wanna be lonely And the moon is my only homie But yet when you got offered some marijuana, you took a puff Obama's president, so? You were programmed to be you

'Cause living's naturally hell, you have to work to put a smile on When the sun's down We're all smart and we know what's bad and good for us

With no license or car, so you bum rides to get by You're just a product of what the government has created Entdecke mehr als 56 Millionen Songs, Tausende Hörbücher, Hörspiele und Podcasts, erstelle deine eigenen Playlists und teile deine Lieblingssongs mit deinen Freund*innen. Instead of nocturnal rainbows Frontin' like he's truly Jesus But the darkness provides the light for me How come I'm the one my teachers used to have a problem with? They're the reason real shit happens, and we don't know why When the sun's down

If there's a higher power then show me How did rap music go from really good to so dry? Instead of nocturnal rainbows

Instead of nocturnal rainbows I ain't being cruel, these situations that I address If you lost your wallet and I found it, I would not commit

Nocturnal rainbows soar in the air so high Stuck in special education classes, Hopsin did not see much of a future. I more than likely could be someone you admire, yes He wrote songs for girls to get them to like him, but got no love. But the darkness provides the light for me Bitte.Hast du Hintergrundinfos zu diesem Titel?Scrobbeln bedeutet, dass Last.fm die von dir gehörte Musik erfasst und automatisch in dein Musikprofil einträgt.Javascript ist erforderlich, um Shouts auf dieser Seite anzeigen zu können.Einige der von Benutzern eingestellten Texte auf dieser Seite unterliegen der,It would probably be easier if we told you what Hopsin doesn’t do, but Hop is an MC, producer, director, actor, and editor. Saying "I should've did this" or "I shouldn't have hung with this guy" Instead of nocturnal rainbows Like many kid…,It would probably be easier if we told you what Hopsin doesn’t do, but Hop is an MC, producer, director, actor, and editor. You ain't original But as hard as ….Sag uns deine Meinung zur Last.fm-Website.Creative-Commons-Attribution/Share-Alike-Lizenz.

The shit you think of ain't even your thoughts

Dealing with self-beneficial plans and the movement he's with How do we know if God exists? It may seem so that I can't see You think you original? You probably threw your life away cause you would rather get high

When the sun's down "I'm broke as fuck, my rent's high. I'm from where a child's future's in the streets with the bums What's he represent? But if you take a look you'll see I'm nothing like an angry crook And the moon is my only homie Nocturnal rainbows soar in the air so high Your brain's a fucking powerhouse, but what? Nocturnal rainbows soar in the air so high It may seem so that I can't see But it's because the blood, sweat and all the time that I invest It's like we all broker than ever, it's due to reasons

Like many kids, Hopsin wanted to be “cool”. Artist - Hopsin Album - Raw (2010) Song - Nocturnal Rainbows Subscribe for more upcoming Chill Slappin Songs similar to this style. It's people like you who talk that "should've, could've, would've" stuff He tried to get attention by making people laugh, but he always ended up being the butt of the joke.

Just because the nigga's half black don't mean he's Heaven-sent His teachers did…,It would probably be easier if we told you what Hopsin doesn’t do, but Hop is an MC, producer, director, actor, and editor. It may seem so that I can't see But the darkness provides the light for me You're a slave and you don't even know it