A few people have excelled as seafarers, prominent among them the Austronesians (Islander Southeast Asians, Malagasy, Islander Melanesians, Micronesians, and Polynesians), the Harappans, the Phoenicians, the Iranians, the ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs, the ancient Indians, the Norse, the Chinese, the Venetians, the Genoese, the Hanseatic Germans, the Portuguese, the Spanish, the English, the French, the Dutch and the Danes. Size: Length 37,5cm (propeller) & 23,5cm (indicator), Early 20th century ships clock from an English Naval vessel. Made by A. Harris, West Hartlepool and adjusted 1908 & 1912 by E.F. Lundy, Great Grimsby. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Before then, captains learned the coast by eye and used less-detailed privately-published coastal charts. Mid 20th century brass binnacle, complete with original compass and incl electric illumination. Randles, "Pedro Nunes and the Discovery of the Loxodromic Curve, or How, in the 16th Century, Navigating with a Globe had Failed to Solve the Difficulties Encountered with the Plane Chart," Revista da Universidade Coimbra, 35 (1989), 119-30. "HOOFDEN MED STRAEDET VED CALAIS EFTER DE ALLERNYESTE, ISAER ENGELSKE OPMAALINGER". In original mahogany case. Length: 61cm/75cm. Circle frame, five telescopes and sun-filter. Commercial publishers used Admiralty and other information to publish blueback charts for merchant ships, used by British and American captains alike. Late 19th century hand-held refracting telescope, maker unknown. Stainless and incl mounting bracket, in original oak box. Late 19th century floor-stand telescope made by Broadhurst Clarkson & Co 63 Farringdon Rd. Made by AB Lyth Sweden. Late 19th century T.S. [79] Scientists at Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory took a series of measurements of Sputnik's doppler shift yielding the satellite's position and velocity. It is unlikely that the exploration of the open seas of the southern Atlantic was made in a single voyage, particularly when the route taken by Vasco da Gama in 1497 was significantly different from the one taken by Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500, each being adapted to the season of departure. One draw, leatherbound tube. Four brass draws, partly leather bound tube. Made by Skala Precision. 20th century compass in brass, made by AB Lyth, Stockholm. WWII German made gyro sextant / "Kreiselsextant" dated January 1945. 7x50. For the first time the subject was approached using mathematical tools.

Early 20th century folding rule made of boxwood and brass. The oldest and most familiar type of compass is the magnetic compass, which is se he vasa ou area, ou pedra, ou saibro, ou harestas, ou burgao ou de que calidade ha tal fonda he e sendo conhecida quantas leguas aveera daly a terra e o mesmo as marés, se som de nordeste he sudueste asy como as de nossa espanha, ou se som do norte, o sul, ou de lest e oest, ou de noroest e suest, as quais para entrarem e sairem nas barras, e bocas dos Rios som forsadamente necessarias; e asim as alturas de cada hum dos pollos por onde se pode saber quantos graaos se cada lugar apartam e ladeza da equinocial e tambem a natureza da jente desta ethiopia e ho seu modo de viver e asy direi do comercio que nesta terra pode haver”. Early 20th century plumb-line (metric system) including plumb-bob as used by the Swedish Navy. Attention required! A typical Pitot marine log consists of a pair of thin-walled tubes projecting through the bottom of the ship and bent so as to face the direction of motion.