“Indeed Allah is with the patient” (2:153).O you who believe! Indeed, they are like a cure; although it may be bitter, we accept them since they are from the One whom we love, and to Allaah belongs the best example.

Patience is to keep ourselves on the right track, constantly remind ourselves of what others have been through. Therefore, he thanks Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala for the reward which will be much more than what he can expect.… and be grateful to Allah, if it is Him you worship.” (Surah al-Baqarah 2:172),Allah has mentioned gratitude alongside iman. It is a fact that the servant is either enjoying a bounty that he should be thankful for, or suffering a calamity that he should meet with patience. The Quran is beautiful all in all; and there are some verses that directly affect the heart and soothe it in the hour of trial and difficulty.

Allah SWT has given us the book of Quran for our guidance.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “,Al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Do not resent the calamities that come and the disasters that occur, for perhaps in something that you dislike will be your salvation, and perhaps in something that you prefer will be your doom.”.Al-Fadl ibn Sahl said: “There is a blessing in calamity that the wise man should not ignore, for it erases sins, gives one the opportunity to attain the reward for patience, dispels negligence, reminds one of blessings at the time of health, calls one to repent and encourages one to give charity.Through calamity the believer seeks reward, and there is no way to attain it but patience, and there is no way to be patient except with resolute faith and strong will.So if calamity befalls a Muslim, he must say,Shaykh al-Islam [Ibn Taymiyah] (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: A calamity that makes you turn to Allaah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allaah.”.Sufyaan said: What a person dislikes may be better for him than what he likes, because what he dislikes causes him to call upon Allaah, whereas what he likes may make him heedless.Muslim (918) narrated that Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ say: “,She said: When Abu Salamah died, I said: Who among the Muslims is better than Abu Salamah, the first household to migrate to join the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ? Unter Zuhilfenahme der göttlichen Offenbarung aus Quran und Sunna wird im Folgenden mit den falschen Vorstellungen von "Sabr" gründlich aufgeräumt.Allah, der Erhabene, teilt uns in Sure Al-Baqara, Aya 153-157 mit:Diese Ayat befassen sich unter anderem mit dem Leid und dem Unglück, die einen Menschen im Laufe seines Lebens heimsuchen können, und damit, wie die Menschen dennoch in einer solchen Situation Hilfe und Unterstützung finden können und sie dafür ein reichlicher Lohn Allahs erwartet.In den Ayat zuvor werden die Menschen darüber in Kenntnis gesetzt, dass ein Prophet aus ihrer Mitte mit den Zeichen und Beweisen Allahs entsandt wurde, um sie vom Kufr zu befreien, mit dem Auftrag, ihnen die islamischen Glaubensgrundlagen und Gesetze zu vermitteln.

Our burdens, troubles and difficulties can be removed through prayers, patience and by having complete faith in Allah.Patience or Sabr is the biggest Blessing and Mercy of Allah that He has bestowed upon us.

She replied: "My brother, my son, & my husband Amr bin Al-Jamuh.". When the doctors cut it off he didn’t say anything except these words: ‘O Allaah, for you are Full praise. The Prophet ﷺ on His son (Ibraheem) passing away. Denn auch sie haben heute in gleicher Weise mit den Anfeindungen, Diffamierungen und Verfolgungen seitens der Regierungen und Gesellschaften zu kämpfen, wenn sie dieses Unrecht anprangern und die islamischen Glaubensgrundlagen, Ideen und Gesetze zur Umsetzung bringen wollen, ebenso wie die Prophetengefährten und ihre Nachfolger deswegen darunter leiden mussten. Should I not praise Allaah for that? And if you have tested and tried you have also placed us in good situations and good condition.’ So when he was asked about this he said: ‘I had 4 limbs (meaning 2 arms and 2 legs) and Allaah took some and left some. Zu diesen Prüfungen gehört das Sterben auf dem Wege Allahs, d. h. der Tod im Kampf gegen die Feinde Allahs und zur Erhöhung Seines Wortes.