This is not only dangerous, but illegal.Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 9,417 times.% of people told us that this article helped them.wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. This can be a useful tool for species identification.Many cetaceans display unique behaviours on the surface of the water, which can help to identify different species.When a cetacean wants to take a look around, they will stick their head out of the water.When a whale takes a deep dive, it often arches its body to dive at a steeper angle, often exposing its tail flukes.
Two techniques, photo-identification and genetics, are used to .

Humpbacks and blue whales show up in summer.Some whales may be seen year-round. Each whale can be identified by the unique black and white pattern on the underside of the flukes.  Within this catalog the whales are grouped by color pattern. Fin Whale: Balaenoptera Physalus. In other words, a whale’s tail is as good as his fingerprint for all the intents and purposes of identification. Whale flukes branch off into 2 sail-shaped fins at the end.

If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please,We use cookies to make wikiHow great. The bumps and nicks along this edge remain relatively stable throughout the whale’s lifetime. A whale may lose a part of the trailing edge or even half of a fluke from an entanglement in fishing gear, an injury competing with other males in the breeding grounds, an attack from a predator, or an encounter with a vessel. The notch is useful because the shape seldom changes, so every time the whale shows its flukes upon diving it will look the same.In many areas of the world, the black and white pigment pattern on the underside of the flukes is used primarily to identify individual humpback whales.

Hopefully after reading this short article, you will have great success in matching your photographs to our catalog.Next, you will need to find one or two easily identifiable characteristics of the whale you are attempting to match. It can be difficult to get a good glimpse of a whale, so even small details like size and coloring can help.

Some blows can be seen from far away, and aid in discerning species from a distance.When whales take a deep dive, they often display their tail flukes. Use this chart as a quick reference guide to identify the large whales you see. We suggest using a telephoto lens to maximize your distance to the whale. Humpback whales are easily identified based on the markings of the underside of the tail fluke. Whales with no white on their flukes comprise nearly half of the catalog; therefore this color pattern is subdivided by the width (narrow or wide) of the notch between each fluke.  Each color division contains pages of thumbnail photographs. body length presence of a dorsal fin size and position of the dorsal fin shape and size of flippers shape of the head and general body shape presence of a Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Located directly under each photo is a unique identification number for each whale.Click on the links below to view these photographs.
Judith Beltran. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Photo obtained under N.M.F.S. Whale Identification There is sufficient variation in the markings of humpback whale flukes (the lobes of the tail) to allow photo identification of individual whales. Curt, your...Stage 1 involved digitising the existing photo-identification catalogues of the Centre for Whale Research (WA) Inc., which totalled over 3,000 images at that time.Stage 2 involved categorising and grading each digitised photograph for use with a computer programme developed specifically for matching humpback whale tail flukes by the National Marine Mammal Lab (NMML, NOAA),. ).As a whale’s exhalations from their blowhole condense in the air, they create shapes that are unique to each species and are helpful for identification. Kaggle challenge: Whale Identification by its tail. Dall’s porpoises and Pacific white-sided dolphins frequently bow ride, whereas harbour porpoisees are shy and tend to avoid boats.This behaviour is seen when an animal leaps clear of the water when it is moving forward. Researchers document the marks on the right and left lobes of the tail, or flukes, and rate ANTARCTIC BLUUUUEEEEE!!!!

At other times they will swim alongside the boat.