(independent) repetitions of experiment. frequently in spam than in regular email. • Event: An „event‟ is an outcome of a trial meeting a specified set of conditions other words, event is a subset of the sample space S. Events are usually denoted by capital letters. deck) has,B="all passengers get off at the same floor",C="no-one gets of at the first two floors",D="all passengers get off at floors 1 or nine",G="exactly one person gets of at each of floors 3 and 4".What assumption(s) underlies your answer to (a)? If you want to find an event’s unconditional probability, you can add the sum of the outcomes of that particular event, then divide by the total number of outcomes possible.

That are happening in any situation sums up to 1.This is one of the most important things to know or to remember whenever you are working on a probability problem or a real-life situation that involves probability to get it solved.So you should always keep in mind that if the total sum of the situation is coming more than one then there is something wrong with the work you have done.For example, whenever we are going to Toss a Coin there can be only two outcome either head or tails there is no chance that both of these outcomes are gonna come at one time show the only two possible outcomes are head and Tails.But when we toss 2 coins together in their there are three possibilities that can Aakar like both the coins can be heads or both the coins show tails or from both of those coins either one can be head and another can be tail so this is one of the important examples of the probability we can say that it is important in common example of probability this is how we know what can be the outcomes from any situation and this is how we will get to know about the probability of a single event from the series of events.Now as we already discussed the probability Knights time to get to know about the formula of probability the basic and simplest formula a probability which is used everywhere.Show the formula of probability e is defined as the possibility of the element which is occurring is equal to the ratio of a number of favorable outcomes and the number of Total outcomes which means the probability of an event P(E) is equal to the number of favorable outcomes divided by the total number of the outcome of that situation.Now as we have already discussed what probability is and good is the common and basic formula of the probability now it’s time to discuss about the types of probability yeah you read it right there is not colleges single type of probability there are three major types of abilities and those are,So there were the three major type of probability that we are going to discuss: –,Theoretical probability is based on the chances of something to happen we can also say that it is based on the possible chances of things to happen in a particular problem or a real-life situation with probability e is basically based on the basic reasoning open probability,It is conceptually one of the simplest situations but how this situation is a bit Limited because this situation does not have finitely many equally likely outcomes,For example let’s suppose we are tossing a coin and as we have discussed above that the single coin has only two outcomes either it shows heads or it shows tails.

With subjective, or personal probability, the probability is based on an outcome that an individual expects to happen.

If you’re trying to figure out the theoretical probability that a coin is going to land on either heads or tails, you have to first know that only these two possibilities will occur.In the tossing of a coin, there are only two possibilities, heads or tails, and, therefore, the theoretical probability that your coin toss will result in the coin landing on heads is one in two, which is also demonstrated as 1:2. events,The probability at a node of the tree=product of probabilities on the branches A die has six sides, and when you roll one so you can view the result, you can say that all six sides have an equal chance of appearing.This type of probability refers to the single independent chance that a single outcome will result from a total sample of outcomes that are possible. If we assemble a deck of 52 playing cards with no jokers, and draw a single card from the deck, then the sample space is a 52-element set, as each card is a possible outcome. Notes and Video Materials for Engineering in Electronics, Communications and Computer Science subjects are added. In probability, we come across different types of events. passing the exam, Sue has a 70% chance of passing and Tom has an 80% chance of The probability of a sure event is 1.

then used to decide whether an email is spam or not.From a study of email messages coming into a certain system it is estimated

Probability refers to the occurrence of a random event. (The,The probability of the union of mutually exclusive events is the sum of the probabilities of the individual events.