Grandma’s house smelling like baking bread, your dad’s shop smelling of pipe smoke, etc.

“What’s the good of news if you haven’t a sister to share it?” – James DeVries. the many challenges of life, made hard decisions, known heartbreak, and learned from the mistakes she has made in her own life. You need her, as she needs you.” – George R.R. Depending on the family dynamic, every sister’s relationship is different and unique. Sisters are great at saying the things friends and strangers would never say. “Each family of sisters has a language and a turn of phrase all its own.” – Barbara Mathias. With friends and colleagues it is usually understood that we put on a good and happy face for polite company. Their childhood and beyond, your sister is a built in best friend for you to rely on, trust and, and share good and bad times with. Sisters can often be second mothers to us. Many friends come and go. However, the past does not matter and as long as you can respect each other in the present, that is what is important. Sign up to receive my latest and greatest articles! “We shared a room, you stole my toys, and then my clothes, but best friends we became.” – Catherine Pulsifer.

Your sister is a constant in your life, make sure to treat her with respect.

You might depend on your sister in ways that she doesn’t even know. Thanks, Sis! Memories of Christmas past make me smile when I think of you little Sis. However, at least you were both in it together! and honest conversations with a big sister - one who has already

So, it’s probably best that you maintain a good relationship with your sister and keep yourself on her good side. Try to love your sister despite your differences. Sisters share . Aren’t they just great for that? Having a best friend like that does make many others pale in comparison. “Whatever you do they will love you; even if they don’t love you they are connected to you till you die.” – Deborah Moggach. From age 2 to 20, this could be the case. “Never let an angry sister comb your hair.” – Patricia McCann. Because she knows you so intimately, she may at times take things a bit too far. Hopefully she is someone that has your back through it all. My name is JD. Perhaps being around all that feminine influence is how Tom cruise learned how to be such a good ladies man.
A shared childhood and shared DNA does not just disappear. The big sister always think that they are the boss. © 2020 Bright Drops. Someone that knows you well and loves you as family is often willing to let you unload on them when needed. Another byproduct of wool gathering with your sister is that you have quality time together. They called you Sis. And sorrows too.” – Pam Brown. You have both lived in the same home, with the same parents, gone to the same schools and play with the same friends. many of my transformations, and the best ones you were part of. She knows exactly how you tick and the troubles you can get yourself into. Sisters have an interesting bond. Even thought you are my little sister, your hugs during the difficult

“I would live with all of my sisters if I could. “What are sisters for if not to point out the things the rest of the world is too polite to mention.” – Claire Cook. If you have a sister that you know you can trust with your secrets, and you can go to her with anything, you are quite fortunate. Sisters are good like that. Friends easily come and go, but your sister is forever. It can be hard to watch your sister become engrossed in the attentions of another when she falls in love. “Sisters touch your heart in ways no other could. Your sister has probably interjected into a conversation things that you would rather leave unsaid. Now that I am older Either way, you are sisters and you share the same bloodline. Some days, she’s the reason you wish you were an only child.” – Barbara Alpert. You were my inspiration, if you could do it, I knew I could do it!! Find a quote that fits your relationship and share it with your sister today. She is like a girl you can trust with all of your secrets.” – Kortney Cobbley. but the older I get the more I realize what a blessing she is in my life.
That shared relationship exists until the dusk of time and you both pass from this life.