Source: Statistics Canada website Censuses of Canada 1851 to 2011. CPSO-imposed regulations in the 1860s to increase faculty size and raise matriculation standards. It is designed to supplement the Canada Pension Plan, and provide up to 15 per cent of a retiree's pre-retirement income as an annual pension.[63]. In Northern Ontario the climate varies from that of the districts close to the Great Lakes, which are frost-free on more than 100 days a year, to the harsh climate of the Hudson Bay area, where the frost-free period may be as short as 40 days. The MCB resolved the crisis for the industry, but consumers complained loudly about higher prices. Parliamentary self-government was granted in 1848. Greg Gillespie, "Sport and 'Masculinities' in Early-Nineteenth-Century Ontario: The British Travellers' Image". But population growth far exceeded emigration from this area in the following decades.

The once-unquestioned leadership of the magistracy and the Anglican Church, with their closed interlocking networks of patron-client relations, faded year by year as modern ideas of respectability based on merit and economic development grew apace.
By the end of the 19th century, Ontario vied with Quebec as the nation's leader in terms of growth in population, industry, arts, and communications.

The post-World War II period was one of exceptional prosperity and growth. The two colonies were merged into the Province of Canada by the Act of Union (1840), with the capital at Kingston. Mowat sent police into the disputed territory to assert Ontario's claims, while Manitoba (at the behest of the national government) did the same. They selected farm leader Ernest Drury as premier, enforced prohibition, passed a mother's pension and minimum wage which Hearst had proposed, and promoted good roads in the rural areas. From the 1840s on, the number of new doctors with medical degrees increased rapidly because of legislation and the establishment of local medical schools. At Thunder Bay on Lake Superior, the mean temperature in January is 5 °F (−15 °C) and in July 64 °F (18 °C); the annual precipitation is about 28 inches (700 mm); and the annual snowfall is slightly less than 85 inches (2,160 mm). The Province of Canada was divided at this point into Ontario and Quebec so that each major European linguistic group would have its own province.

J. M. Fenster, "The Conquest of Diabetes".

Entrepreneurship was exemplified by the career of John Northway (1848–1926). [31] Professionalization began with the first medical board in 1818, and an 1827 act that required all doctors to be licensed. Ontario, second largest province of Canada in area, after Quebec. The History of Ontario covers the period from the arrival of Paleo-Indians thousands of years ago to the present day. The revised party declared loyalty to the Empire, called for comprehensive health care and pension programs, and sought more provincial autonomy. [10], Many men chafed against the anti-democratic Family Compact that governed through personal connections among the elite, which controlled the best lands. Here are 30 of the most notable. [5] This resettlement substantially increased the European population of Canada west of the St. Lawrence-Ottawa River confluence during this period. It occupies the strip of the Canadian mainland lying between Hudson and James bays to the north and the St. Lawrence River–Great Lakes chain to the south.
The climate of Southern Ontario is generally favourable to agriculture, although considerable local variation exists. Which of these Canadian rivers does not flow into Hudson Bay? Purists said its decline resulted from a loss of Socialist purity and abandonment of the founding left-wing principles of the movement and party. [60], By contrast the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), which rebranded itself as the New Democratic Party (NDP) in 1961, was in the doldrums after the war. Enrollments grew at both schools.

Hall, Roger; Westfall, William; and MacDowell, Laurel Sefton, eds. The rivers of Southern Ontario are short, draining into the Great Lakes from the Western Ontario Upland and from the Oak Ridges Moraine north of Lake Ontario. The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons was chartered in 1869. Paul Bernardo; Edwin Alonzo Boyd – led the Boyd Gang in Toronto; Karla Homolka; See also. Tens of thousands of European immigrants, as well as native Canadians, moved west along the railroad in order to acquire land and set up new farms. James Caughey, an American sent by the Wesleyan Methodist Church from the 1840s through 1864. The vegetation of Northern Ontario is that of the boreal forest and includes the black and white spruce, jack pine, tamarack, poplar, white birch, and balsam. Premier Hearst had a number of progressive ideas planned for his next term, but his Conservatives were swept from power in 1919 by a totally new farmer's party. This is a list of notable people who were either born or lived in Ontario, Canada, or have spent a large part or formative part of their career in that province. A collection of historical documents and primary sources about Ontario. [43], Regulation 17 was a regulation of the Conservative government designed to shut down French-language schools at a time that Francophones from Quebec were moving into eastern Ontario. The most dramatic feature of the landscape is the Niagara Escarpment, running roughly northwest from Niagara Falls to the Bruce Peninsula. In 1868 the assembly created an agricultural museum, which developed as the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph in 1874. Ruth A. Frager, and Carmela Patrias," "Human Rights Activists and the Question of Sex Discrimination in Postwar Ontario". The mean temperature in January for most of the southern region is about 25 °F (−4 °C); in July it is about 72 °F (22 °C).

Prohibition was ended in 1927 with the Conservative establishment of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.[52]. Ian A. McKay, "A Note on Ontario Agriculture: The Development of Soybeans, 1893–1952".

By the early 1650s, using both British and Dutch arms, they had succeeded in pushing other related Iroquoian-speaking peoples, the Petun and Neutral Nation, out of or to the fringes of territorial southern Ontario.