The Independent Election Commission has also provided voting opportunities for public servants both (Civilians and Military)  such as the Afghan National Army, National Police, National Directorate of security staff, Internally Displaced Persons, Hospital Patients and Prisoners who have not been restricted from  political and civil rights by the Court. A group of 25 disgruntled smaller parties have threatened to interdict the election and its results if the IEC does not appoint an independent auditor by 11am on Saturday. The official website of the Independent Electoral Commission of Botswana. Nabil Suggests 'Reconciliation Govt,' Rejects Election Results. Hawa Alam Nuristani, chief of the Independent Election Commission, said the preliminary presidential election results will be announced on November 14. An Independent Electoral Officer (IEC) opens a ballot box as counting begins at the Addington Primary School after voting ended at the sixth national general elections in … دی، در دفتر کاری اش دیدار و گفت‌وگو کرد. Until Saturday, 28 September 2019 - Presidential Election Day, IEC's Press release on the protest of the Stability & Convergence Team, Speech of the IEC Chairwoman on Audit, Recount & Tallying of the Preliminary Results & Electoral Issues, Press Release on Start of Audit and Recount of Votes in Provinces, Media Advisory on Relationships with the Media, List of Top Up Voter Registration Centers, IEC HQ Detailed Response on the letter of Stability & Convergence Electoral Ticket/Office, IEC Receives Report on Valid and Invalid Biometric Votes, Meeting of the US Ambassador with the Commission's Management, Meeting of the Commission's Management with the NDI Chairman. خانم رحیمه ظریفی مُنشی و کمیشنر کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات، با مریم آروین بارکزی مسوول گروه دادخواهی حقوق سیاسی زنان موسسه انتخابات آزاد و عادلانه افغانستان (FEFA) در دفتر کاری‌اش، دیدار و گفت‌وگو کرد. The announcement was originally scheduled for Oct 19, but IEC officials cited technical issues--as well as extra actions needed to maintain transparency--as reasons for the delay. Voters Top-up registration of presidential for those who: Women constitute a major part of the Afghan population, and according to the Afghan constitution, women, like men, have the right to vote in the election process to participate in determining their political destiny. The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Management welcomed US Ambassador Mr. John Bass to the IEC HQ office on 14th October. This is final from our side,” said Nuristani. "We thank the United States for its financial and technical cooperation. The announcement was originally scheduled for Oct 19, but IEC officials cited technical issues--as well as extra actions needed to maintain transparency--as reasons for the delay. IEC-6: Indiana Voting System or Electronic Poll Book Disposal Plan (State Form 56532; 6-18) IEC-7: Request for Indiana Election Division Publications in 2020 (State Form 46736; R18/9-19) IEC-8: Precinct Summary Statement (State Form 13332; R7/7-06) IEC-9: Certification of Test of Electronic Voting Systems About Election Results Reporting. The Commission is committed to the transparency and impartiality in tallying of result sheets of election and the result which is acceptable will be announce.". According to the IEC, an attempt to hack the commission’s server and picking the digital lock of the digital center were two key factors that delayed the announcement of the process. Results for the 2019 General Elections have been released. “We should have clarified the turnout level in the next 48 hours after the election, but this was delayed following reports of threats against the telecom services,” said IEC commissioner Mawlana Abdullah.

A number of fake social media pages have been created under the name of HE Hawa Alam Nooristani, IEC chairwoman where political and electoral issues are posted. The Independent Election Commission (IEC) will provide its supportive role for the Old age, disabled, pregnant women, and others who have a specific problem during registration and voting day, the registration and voting center staff will fully corporate in such cases. An Independent Electoral Officer (IEC) opens a ballot box as counting begins at the Addington Primary School after voting ended at the sixth national general elections in Durban, on 8 May 2019. خانم رحیمه ظریفی مُنشی و کمیشنر کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات، با نمایندگان ایتلاف مشارکت سیاسی زنان -برنامه مشارکت یو. © 2019 Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IEC) - All Rights Reserved. The Independent Election Commission has set up separate polling stations with female staff to facilitate women's participation in elections. TOLL FREE: 0800 600 710. کليه حقوق معنوی و مادی اين صفحه انترنتی محفوظ است - کميسيون مستقل انتخابات © ۱۳۹۸, تا شنبه، ۶ میزان ۱۳۹۸ - روز انتخابات ریاست جمهوری, پیام تسلیت و همدردی اعضای رهبری کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات افغانستان در پیوند به وفات محمد یوسف غضنفر, اطلاعیه مطبوعاتی آغاز روند تفتیش، بازشماری و تطبیق فیصله های کمیسیون شکایات انتخاباتی, اعلامیه مطبوعاتی در مورد تطبیق فیصله های کمیسیون شکایات انتخاباتی, اعلامیه مطبوعاتی در پیوند به آغاز تفتیش و بازشماری هفت ولایت باقی مانده, مرجع اعلان نتایج انتخابات ریاست جمهوری ۱۳۹۸, انتخابات ریاست جمهوری و شوراهای ولایتی سال ۱۳۹۳, انتخابات ریاست جمهوری و شوراهای ولایتی سال ۱۳۸۸, دعوتنامه برای مشاهدین، ناظرین، نمایندگان کاندیدان، رسانه ها و مهمانان خاص, مراسم خدا حافظی با رئیس دفتر مقام کمیسیون, دیدار مُنشی کمیسیون با مسوول امور زنان و جوانان موسسۀ فیفا, دیدار مُنشی کمیسیون با نمایندگان ایتلاف مشارکت سیاسی زنان. Opinion polling.

Results for the 2019 General Elections have been released.