Any elected public representatives serving in another council or other level of government may not stand (MPs, MPLs and councillors in other municipalities). Municipal councils must establish a bylaw for campaign contributions and election expenses that addresses contribution eligibility, campaign contribution limits, disclosure requirements and spending limits for the mayor and councillors.

The Municipal Structures Act says how to deal with replacing PR and Ward councillors. MEOS together with local Party Liaison Committees may also decide to do targeted registration in areas where there is low registration. Connect with Municipal Affairs: Phone: 780-427-2225 Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta) Email: For information related to official government documents, contact Alberta Queen’s Printer: Local Government Elections. All South African citizens over the age of 18 who are registered voters will be allowed to vote in the local elections. The Act also describes rules related to employee conduct and activity during an election and allows municipal councils to make bylaws that restrict specific types of municipal employees from participating in elections. The DMA has 2% of the voters and can elect one party rep on a PR ballot.

An official stamp is put on the back of the ballot papers. In every local municipality a Municipal Electoral Officers (MEO), appointed by the IEC, organises voting stations, voter registration and runs the elections in that municipality. Constituency-based - this system elects an individual to represent an area.

Connect with Municipal Affairs: Phone: 780-427-2225 Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta) Email: The number of ward seats already won by that party are then subtracted from the total number of seats allocated to the party. If a PR councillor crosses the floor during the window period, they may not be replaced by their party and the party effectively loses a seat. Each of the 13 parish councils and parish capital mayoral positions were allocated to a political party. The borders of your voting district may have changed and the IEC will inform you with a leaflet if you have to re-register. The hand is marked to see that the voter does not vote again. Think about all the services your municipal government is responsible for providing.

Within each local council, a list-based election is held for councillors to represent that council on the District Council. The voter is given a ballot paper for the local council, ward and district (unless in metro area, then only two ballots). Candidates may wear whatever they like, but inside the voting station boundary they must cover rosettes or T-shirts with party emblems – put on a jacket or jersey.

Each local council will be given a number of seats and must send councillors to fill those seats. Municipal elections usually elect a mayor and city council and often also a school board. The presiding officer will declare the voting station closed but must tell people in the queue that they must wait and vote before the officials can go home.

No-one may force or offer rewards for a voter to vote a specific way or stop them from voting.

Anyone sentenced to more than 12 months in prison after the end of 1996 may not stand.

[2][3] The elections were delayed several times before finally being called by the newly elected PNP government.