They will be your best friend for life, they can be seen as your child, but a extremely obeying, submissive and clever one. Don't listen to the other comments please. Rat should stay in a temperature between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius). Those dumb dogs! I fell I love! Male goats to cologne themselves for females with there own pee. Search and rescue, bomb detection, hunting, etc... What would be considered a miracle when accomplished by a cat, is considered a daily job for hundreds of thousands of dogs. They eat leaves as babies and slurp juice from oranges as adults (at least mine did. First, it has to get use to you. Your local animal shelter staff can advise you on the temperaments of adoptable cats.

Cats are incredibly subtle and useful as pets. I love fish so much, and I currently have 4 tanks of my own, and I am constantly able to have fun while I watch them, feed them, and clean their tank. TEACUP PIGS DO NOT EXIST! Maintenance for these hardy creatures involves adding feed about once a week and occasionally adding water to combat evaporation. Pets are living creatures that require regular care and attention. And hamsters are very affordable to take care of and not to worry at day time " their nocturnal" and so you don't have to worry because you can feed your little guys at night. I once had one and it was an incredible experience! Once my pet rabbit almost got eaten by a dog. Playful, cute, hilarious, who wouldn't want one? Puppies and kittens need too much more patience and training which your kids may not capable of if they are only 5 or 6 years old. Also, most will thrive in a relatively small living space, and care is fairly straightforward. Cats are stupid.My aunt had a friend that had a cat and one day her friend came over with her cat and tore the ladies face apart so if you get a cat get a kitten and get rid of it before it turns six.Thanks, be careful with what animal you choose. Note: The higher the serval percentage, the more likely potential challenges may arise.

Very Friendly. They don't need cages to play in. Remember, though, pet ownership is also serious business. I used to have a pair of sugar glider! Any animal that is in pain is more likely to bite a child or act out in self-defense. Here are some reasons why rabbits are (and cats) are better than dogs: 1. They don't actually spike you, they only do that when they're scared. Once my mom bring one home with her from her work. She played tagged with me cuddled with me gave kisses. They animal’s lifespan is 20 years and survive on commercial pellets and fresh water. Sadly the younger one, Pal, died, but his brother and best friend, Buddy, is still alive yet still grieving as he seems depressed.

These are great animals to have but DO YOUR RESEARCH or these animals can make your life horrible, they ar every intelligent and will damage your house if you don't provide them with stimulation and that myth about them staying tiny? ‘Dry Fasting’ Urges You Not to Drink Water — Why That Might Not Be a Good Idea. Small lizards are low maintenance pets and are resilient and hardy reptiles. F3 (12.5 % serval) and down may make good pets. Don't believe me? I like cats, but I like rabbits more. But I wouldn't try starve them that long the tend to "hibernate" in northern climates. They are legal in a lot of states so yeah... Amazing.

You can watch them forever and not even get bored! Its impressive, your love of dogs, and I would have agreed with you right down the line, had it not been for 1 cat that was as much a part of my family as anyone will ever be, and it was obvious that he loved us as much as we loved him. I have had 4 Syrian hamsters, and each one had their own personality, overall great pet! But if you do your research you will be very happy with your new pet! 5. They can be easy to take care of, just make sure they have food and water at all times and play with them everyday. They are sweet, loving, affectionate, playful, and very friendly! I have a rabbit and she's SO AWESOME! 4. If you don't spend great amounts of time with the animal he/she will create a hate toward you and begin to bite or get scared or mean towards you. They don't bark, they won't attack your neighbors, they won't bother anyone who doesn't want to be around them.