Thank you for understanding and look forward to seeing you all in Vegas soon! It remains unclear whether the headliners, including Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Twenty One Pilots, The Killers, Mumford & Sons and more, will stay on the lineup.Pitchfork has canceled its annual music festival. ",Kiss have postponed their 2020 Kiss Kruise. “In light of this, we made the determination to re-examine the role Life is Beautiful plays in the community and how we can put our resources, creativity and time into doing what we always set out to do: inspire and bring together a community.”,Iron Maiden canceled their Legacy of the Beast shows, scheduled for June and July, in Germany due to the government's extension of the ban on large gatherings through August. have canceled their May tour of North America with Baroness. “This is a whole different ballgame for the Ticketmasters of the world. No information has been announced about make-up dates.NYC's Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts canceled its summer program series for 2020, which includes Midsummer Night Swing, the Mostly Mozart Festival and Lincoln Center Out of Doors.Burning Man announced that it decided "not to build Black Rock City in 2020." ",Jack Antonoff announced that his Shadow of the City festival.Canadian Music Week will skip the Toronto music conference and festival’s 2020 edition due to overriding concern for the safety of all participants and attendees. “This is my money that they are holding hostage.”.Ms. The Midem Digital Edition will livestream globally during those dates, allowing virtual attendees to "discuss, collaborate and share solutions with a focus on the most impacted music stakeholders," according to a press release. The lawsuit was settled, though it was not disclosed whether this involved any financial payment to her or other disappointed ticket holders; Ticketmaster said that the terms of the settlement are confidential.Brian T. Fitzpatrick, a law professor at Vanderbilt University and a class-action expert, said conditions were ripe for such suits.The companies may find some protection in the language of the ticketing contracts, Mr. Fitzpatrick said, but if concerts are delayed indefinitely and no near-term dates are supplied, ticket holders and their lawyers may argue that such lengthy postponements are unfair or unreasonable.“If you are just stringing people along, then the court can say you are not exercising good faith,” said Mr. Fitzpatrick. See more information.As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, for the first time in forty-four years the 2020 Beale Street Music Festival has been rescheduled to the fall. The event was set to headlining performances from.The Boston Symphony Orchestra announced the cancellation of its Asia tour. Additionally,  the Apollo Theater and African Film Festival’s Africa Now!

"We all need to help bring an end to this Pandemic by following the advice and helping one another when we can, especially the more vulnerable," the band's manager,NYC Pride canceled all in-person events for their 2020 festival, in conjunction with Mayor Bill de Blasio's office, which voided all large event permits in the city for the month of June. The cancellation was announced Wednesday (April 15) following New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s recommendation that “no large events take place in New Orleans in 2020” owing to the coronavirus pandemic. Grieves’ March through April Cheers Tour has officially been cancelled and Grieves’ Boomerang Effect Festival, including Sa-Roc, on May 1 in Fort Collins, CO has been rescheduled for October 24, 2020.The 20th edition of Australia's Splendour in the Grass festival is postponed from,ZZ Top's March 20-28 Las Vegas residency has been rescheduled "out of an abundance of caution," a statement from the group read. She now wants her money back, but says she is having trouble getting a refund from Ticketmaster.“I have about $3,000 tied up in these tickets,” Ms. Combs said in an interview. Meanwhile, the next in-person edition of Midem is set for June 1-4, 2021, in Cannes, marking the event's 55th anniversary.Similarly, the American Association of Independent Music (A2IM) is moving its Indie Week event for the independent music industry, which culminates in the Libera Awards, online. The six-date arena tour had a lineup featuring Pussycat Dolls, Steps, Jesse McCartney, Smash Mouth and more. According to the statement, Miami-Ohio, UNCW, Penn State and Virginia Tech will likely be rescheduled for late summer. ".The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum announced that the museum, Hatch Show Print, Historic RCA Studio B and the CMA Theater at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum will close to the public for the rest of March.National Sawdust has suspended all programming beginning March 13 through the end of April.The Metropolitan Opera and Carnegie Hall orchestras.Australia's government applies a ban to public gatherings of 500 or more people, with effect from Monday, March 16. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, live event organizers have been canceling or postponing large gatherings from technology conferences to major concerts.Lollapalooza 2020 is officially off after the city of Chicago nixed all large, permitted gatherings through Labor Day. Don Smiley, president & CEO of Milwaukee World Festival, Inc., said in a statement: "After careful, diligent, and thoughtful consideration and out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our community - including artists, fans, vendors, participants and staff – Summerfest presented by American Family Insurance will not take place in September 2020, as previously announced.