In dieser Funktion übernehmen sie eine zentrale Funktion innerhalb der digitalen.Erfahren Sie in unserem kostenfreien Webinar, wie Sie mit digitalen Identitäten sicher umgehen und welche Faktoren und Risiken Sie dabei im Blick behalten sollten.Wie können wir Fortschritt nutzen, um unsere Welt zu verbessern? Get excited.Connect on a global scale with 7,200 individuals ready to discuss all things digital transformation.Get the answers to all your burning questions!Accelerate Implementation of New Vehicle Technologies,Tech Knowledge to Gain a Competitive Advantage,Improve Operational Insights & Overcome Business Challenges,Digital Transformation from Concept to Consumer,Jumpstart Your Digital Transformation Journey,Bridging the Digital and Physical Worlds for Business Efficiencies,Increase Production and Profit Margins Through Industrial Automation,Driving Industrial Innovation in the Enterprise,Best in Class Smart Manufacturing with Tech Solutions for Industry 4.0 and Operational Excellence,Efficiently Access Data Through Consolidated PLM,Evolving Your Service Business in the Age of IoT.The Way People Work is Changing, Are You Prepared?Yariv Inbar, Director of Industrial Business Innovation, Matrix,Anup Mistry, Core Business Operations, Deloitte,Vickus Classen, Principal Architect, Exxaro Resources.Don't have time to check out everything that LiveWorx has to offer? Technische Schulden transparent machen etc.Lernen Sie wie Sie in Zeiten von Homeoffice durch elektronische Signaturen ihre Prozesse digitalisieren, um ortsunabhängig effizienter und rechtssicher arbeiten zu können!Lernen Sie wie Sie die Einhaltung der Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze und regulatorische Anforderungen in Ihren Länderorganisationen durch automatisierte und kollaborative Prozesse sicherstellen!16 Wochen erwartet Sie jeden Freitag ein Knowledge Snack mit ReferetInnen aus der Fraunhofer-Arbeitsgruppe für Supply Chain Services SCS zu aktuellen Themen rund um die Digitale Transformation,Der Workshop vermittelt einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema Digitalisierung und verhilft den Kursteilnehmern zu einer ersten Orientierung, welche Komponenten und Prozesse in der Digitalen Transforma.Bald ist es wieder so weit. In this role Mike leads the Vuforia business and is responsible for driving the product and technology strategy of PTC’s leading platform for the development of augmented reality applications.Kevin Wrenn is Executive Vice President, Products at PTC. In this role, she is responsible for managing PTC’s worldwide Customer Success, Professional Services, Renewal Sales and Cloud Business. Stand der digitalen Transformation, künftige Herausforderungen und Strategien.Swiftly and simply find even more great events in your area.Join XING now free of charge. In this role, Kevin leads the Product Segments and Research & Development (R&D) organizations.Eduarda Camacho is the Executive Vice President of Customer Operations at PTC. Helen Papagiannis has been working with AR for a decade as a researcher, designer, and technology evangelist. In three mornings our live webinars will teach you everything you need to know about digitizing your business.+25 speakers will talk about how to implement solutions that deliver an immediate positive impact on your business.The Digital Transformation Day is an event by Blue Pixl Media.Six Tracks Covered By Experts In The Field.Do you want to receive information from our sponsors after the event?Join our virtual event on 28, 29 & 30 October 2020,You will learn everything about how digital innovations will empower your business in the near future,+25 high-level speakers will give you expert insight in all there is to know about digitalization.It’s virtual: you can join the event from everywhere without having to travel!You want to transform your business to something that will sustain in the digital world. Her work has also appeared in Fortune (where she was Senior Editor), MIT Tech Review, IEEE Spectrum, and Gigaom.Nir Eyal writes, consults, and teaches about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. Blake is accelerating the Rockwell Automation strategy by focusing on understanding customer needs and their best opportunities for productivity, combining our technology and domain expertise to deliver positive business outcomes, and simplifying our customers’ experience.The LiveWorx You Know and Love, Now Online.Explore hundreds of thought leaders and peers presenting on innovative tech.9 livestreamed keynotes, 100+ on-demand content sessions, and so much more.

Hier verraten Sie es auch,„Digitale Transformation: ERP als Allheilmittel?“ - intensive Stunden, agile Methoden, unzählige Praxisbeispiele und eine tolle Lehrgangsatmosphäre erwarten Sie bei diesem Lehrgang zum Zukunftsmanager. Under his leadership, Rockwell Automation integrates control and information to help make industrial companies and their people more productive and the world more sustainable. Digital Transformation Day goes digital and returns in 2020 for its 4th and largest edition. Das Event, das die Themen Digitale Transformation, New Work, Digital Marketing & Agile vereint. In unserem kostenlosen Web-Seminar erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Technologie und künstliche Intelligenz unsere Realität optimieren.Der Branchentreffpunkt für Bankexperten und -praktiker. A passionate advocate for humanizing technology, ethics in AI and diversity, Rana has been recognized on Fortune’s 40 Under 40 list and as one of Forbes' Top 50 Women in Tech. She is co-host of the Internet of Things Podcast and publisher of the Stacey on IoT newsletter analyzing the latest trends and news in IoT. LiveWorx is the definitive digital transformation event for the enterprise. He also advises emerging technology companies including Magic Leap and MarkForged.Michael (Mike) Campbell is Executive Vice President and General Manager of Augmented Reality Products at PTC.

New standards call for new strategies, technologies and tools to thrive now and build a solid base for the future.