It was hard for me to keep going. The first thing I thought of when I woke up was how I was going to save Deet. "It was inside the Dual Glaive! Just like how I thought no one trusted me, she thought everyone saw her as weird because of how she looked, but I wanted to reassure her that I didn't think she was weird at all.
He accepted her when the other surface dwellers didn't. "Come back with me, Deet! I don't think you can do much in this state," she insisted. My father sacrificed himself to save me. "Then, let's go!" I was in a state of uneasiness. I think it's part of the Dark Crystal! Nothing will ever be as it was before. Not again!"DEET!"

I just got finished with a battle with the Hunter, what I needed was to rest. I was too weak. The Legend of The Singing Stone is more, and far more ghastly than anyone ever imagined.Jen and Rian have a fun day on their little hike in the woods outside of the "Stonewood" village.Brea never felt her royal position suited her, so she escapes in the night to explore all of Thra without titles holding her back. insight into Brea and Kylan’s relationship.Rian is a warrior of the Stonewood guard, betrothed since his childhood to wed Maudra Fara's successor. Deethra was hand-chosen at a young age by Maudra Argot herself to become the next Grottan Maudra, and has trained most of her life for the role.But when the growing threat of Arathim jeopardizes all that these two hold dear, they agree to an unusual solution in order to unite their alienated clans together: An arranged marriage.Though each gelfling is willing to do what they must for sake of their clans, they are certain that the relationship itself is bound to be a loveless disaster. This story is the journey of how little Jen and Kira found their way back home to their families. With a jump, I rolled out of the way before it could hit me. Chapter 2 is explicit-soft.Naia just wanted a cold one and some of Kylan's soup. Things...just got out of hand.Deep in the caves of Grot, Brea and a small band of friends seek refuge from the Garthim war. "While we try to figure this out, why don't we go inside? Surely, she would turn me in. Aughra interrupted. What does the Song of Thra say about reversing the Darkening and it's hold on Deet? Deet came along at just the right moment - I didn't know where she came from or how she found me, but she gave me the support I needed to move on when no one else could.Later, as the four of us - Deet, Brea, Hup, and I - went on our adventure together, I began to realize that the reason I made it that far was because of Deet. ","That makes sense! I yelled in frustration, not knowing there was someone else in the forest.When Deet came along, I was afraid. Someone who is not alive, so cannot be hurt!","Lore!" A conversation while sparring one day, however, brings hope that a new friendship can form. Nothing will ever be as it was before. If no one had been there to console me at that time, I may have jumped into the Gobbles after him. A spark of hope lifted my spirits when she said this.

"I promise I'm going to save you, somehow! It could never work...could it?Skeksis-free, stonegrot arranged marriage AU. ","Do you want to save her or not?" "There, you have a friend who can control that energy-transfer slowly and at a good pace without killing gentle Deet. Within minutes, my mood changed - from frustrated and alone to calm and safe. A look of concern was plastered on her face.
And then she turned to walk away from me, death following her with every step.No, I wasn't about to sit back and watch this time!

That's what I was reading about! I said.

unfortunately, the tides of luck do not seem to be on her side.Things are different now. Exclaimed Aughra with approval.Hopping up with anticipation, I yelled. Deet and Rian set out on a quest that is as much about discovering each other as it is looking for answers in a world that is being torn apart. Will Rian be able make it there in time? :),Deet and Rian need a distraction from everything and find it in each's others arms. I was angry. She was gentle. I was alone. The sanctuary tree… it said something about energy. How do you heal when the fight hasn't even truly started?a little fanfic i made for school (inspired by tdc:aor).Just a few musings about the moments we didn't seen between Rian and Deet in Age of Resistance. I continued, "The tree said energy cannot be destroyed. But the pretty Vapran girl across the pub enchanted her, and Naia would do whatever she asked, even if it was just to sit for a portrait. Rian and Deet are eager to welcome their little bundle from Thra at any time now. Just wait for me, okay? Her Nurlocs became insane and attacked her, causing her to flee toward the Sanctuary Tree, which spoke t… Their first impressions dwelt in their minds and their feelings grew as their journey wore on. This Rian is an alternate post-AOR Rian from what I usually write.Rian and Deet dreamfast for the first time. "Yes, I've been doing some reading to figure out how she was able to absorb the power of the Darkening like that." As much as I wanted to save Deet, I thought that she was probably right. Her trembling voice called. I couldn't. "For the love of Thra! Light!" A moment later the battle ground to a halt, Skeksis and Gelfling alike transfixed by the drama of The Hunter's sudden, inexplicable death and the shocking emergence of a very much alive Aughra in his place. Deet is still out there! ...when I have the answer. Maybe we can transfer it from Deet to this crystal shard? I wanted to write a fluffy Deet/Rian fic, and trust me when I say that is on its way. This story was formerly titled "Divine Providence" Maybe that could help somehow? "She…" I couldn't think straight, still processing what had just happened. A true resistance must be organized. She was different. Dreamfasting to show everyone what the Skeksis had done just caused me to relive that moment over and over.