Many people are happy to pay the higher price for natural gems because they treasure gems that formed naturally within the Earth. Whatever your color, style or budget preferences may be, we can help you pick the right December birthstone for you or a loved one.Turquoise is a semi-translucent to opaque gem that ranges from blue to green and often has veins of matrix (remnants of the rock in which it formed) running through it. What is the birthstone for December? Courtesy:,Zircon comes in a wide array of attractive colors. This gem listing will focus on qualities common to all garnetsand … This stone for December itself is a relatively recent discovery, having been found only in 1967 in Tanzania, hence the name.Lapis lazuli is traditionally a birthstone for December. "Tanzanite" is a trade name that was first used by Tiffany and Company for gem-quality specimens of the mineral,The use of specific gems as "birthstones for a specific month" and wearing them in jewelry is a custom that began in eighteenth-century.Wearing and gifting birthstone jewelry is a long-standing custom in many countries.

Still, blue is the color of December birthstone widely accepted in modern gemology.Featured image credit: Turquoise ring by Mauro Cateb via Wikimedia Commons.After extensive research on birthstones, I realized that the true December birthstone is unknown to most people. The correct question would in fact be, what.Turquoise is traditionally the birthstone for December, and remains the December birthstone in modern gemology. Both these authors distinctly proclaim the connection between the twelve stones of the high-priest’s breastplate and the twelve months of the year, as well as the twelve zodiacal signs." Citrine is not an original modern birthstone for November. Natural.Citrine is the world's best-selling gem with a yellow to orange color. This December birthstone is a variety of chalcedony ranging in color from apple green to deep green. Below we have rated the birthstones according to their suitability for use in various types of jewelry, giving them ratings from "poor" to "excellent". It’s not a single species but rather consists of several species and varieties. Except for the orange hessonite from Sri Lanka, all of these garnets were mined in Africa, the relatively new source of spectacular garnets.Aquamarine also occurs in a range of color saturations, from a very light, almost imperceptible blue to a rich deep blue. Photo: Eric Welch/GIA,In this beautiful special-occasion ring, a 4.91 ct tanzanite is protected by eight prongs and a regal frame of diamonds. In the major mechanized operations there, thousands of workers recover tanzanite from mines dug over a 100 meters (more than 300 feet) deep into the earth. If blue is what you’re looking for, all three December birthstones have their own unique take on this favorite hue.
Your turquoise birthstone can be damaged by acids, and it can be discolored by certain chemicals, cosmetics and even skin oils or perspiration,Tanzanite may be a relative newcomer to the world of colored stones, but it was one of the most exciting gem discoveries of the 20.The Merelani Hills of northern Tanzania is the only place on earth where tanzanite is mined comercially. DECEMBER BIRTHSTONES The winter blues have nothing on December’s birthstones: tanzanite, zircon, and turquoise.

Fortunately, there are only a few points of departure among the many lists used in the United States and the,Some modifications of the original list that are in general agreement include: (A).Gems vary in hardness and durability.
It reduced confusion between organizations and individuals who had different ideas of which birthstones should be used to represent different months. Zircon replaced,Tanzanite was added as a modern birthstone in 2002.

December Birthstone Turquoise Birthstone. That’s excellent news if you’re in the market for this January birthstone. Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA.

Lab-grown rubies have been in the United States jewelry market since the early 1900s. Bright blue turquoise is the most preferred color. There are three December birthstones; tanzanite, zircon, and turquoise. You can personalize your engagement ring to the month of your birth and in your own unique style.Ruby (July), sapphire (September), aquamarine (March), alexandrite (June), and spinel (August), are durable enough to serve as an engagement ring gem.

This disclosure is very important because many people only want to purchase jewelry made with natural gems. What is the December birthstone meaning? It is a blue to blue green to yellowish green mineral that has been used as a gemstone for thousands of years. Many people can afford to purchase genuine turquoise, but lab-created turquoise is available in some stores for cost-conscious shoppers. All three of December’s birthstones are best known for their beautiful shades of blue. (Cameos are often cut from many other materials, especially shell materials, but many of the finest cameos are cut from sardonyx.

Topaz, in order to be made December stone, was specified to be blue. Image copyright iStockphoto / mikheewnik.Lab-grown ruby is very common in jewelry stores in the United States. But, the concept of birthstone marketing has its critics. However, it is very important for the salesperson, product labeling, and receipt to clearly state that the birthstones are man-made and not natural gems - in language that any customer should easily understand. From the blue to bluish purple of tanzanite, to the intense blue and green of turquoise, to the rainbow varieties of zircon – there’s a color for everyone. [6],The Hard Truth About Birthstone Engagement Rings,Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries. Others decide to purchase a more affordable.Emerald can be a costly gem, and it often lacks the high level of clarity that many people desire.

It has also been identified that Tanzanite has got the ability to alleviate anxiety, depression, worry and fear among human beings.