According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, this is the time of year heralding the true start of Winter, a time to hunker down and keep warm! This is the peak of the confusion, so make sure big decisions are avoided until after the Full Moon. “On a personal level, this is a great time to banter, share ideas, and brainstorm,” she adds. The ruler of this Full Moon is Mercury, uncomfortably situated in Sagittarius, making us perhaps prone to exaggerating thoughts, having big ideas that go nowhere – though can help us speak our truth, directly and without shame. A Black Moon occurs on average every 32 months, with the next one taking place on April 30, 2022. After that, the hours of light during the day starts getting longer (hooray!). Basically, this is the time to take a beat and mull over the year ahead.

As the Moon orbits both the Earth and the Sun, different amounts of the side of the Moon we see are lit up. How to Make the Most of the Full “Cold” Moon in Gemini, 12 December 2019, How to make the Most of the Full Moon for each Sign, 5 Tips for making the most of the Full Moon in Gemini, 1. The last full moon of the year — and decade — is almost here. Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.

"It was in the sign of Leo, which means something different for everybody. New Moon 2020: A rare Black Moon rises this week - but what is it? These signs may notice obstacles in front of them a little more than others, but will work on finding a way around them.

You’ll need it, as this is the type of Full Moon which could leave you feeling a bit empty – say loving things to yourself, write yourself a love letter and praise yourself – be your own best friend! Some ideas and philosophies need to be reworked over this Full Moon, and we will need to release mental baggage that we may be unnecessarily carrying around.

The Gemini Full Moon has a challenging square to planet Neptune – this archetype is all about illusions, fantasies, delusions, dreams and escapism. newspaper archive.

Let your Intellect and Philosophies Align. Did I mention there's also going to be a meteor shower on the 22nd, too? While the name Black Moon sounds ominous, one astrologer believes the astronomical phenomenon is actually a positive omen for Earth and its inhabitants.

The winter solstice marks the shortest period of daylight and the longest period of night of the year. We could be tempted at this Full Moon to fall into patterns of dependency, the universe is offering a way out. Brrr, it’s getting chilly out there, at least in the Northern Hemisphere where the nights are extra-long and the days are chillier and chiller! Friendships are important to you, but so should be your individual self-expression – make time for you and your mates, as well as balancing time with your lover. Why trust us? Even though it’s felt like winter outside for weeks, the official start of winter (a.k.a. The Moon temporarily disappeared from the skies in the early hours of Wednesday morning, as a rare phenomenon took place.

Remove any lifestyle habit that exacerbates your anxieties, and find yourself much healthier for it, emotionally and physically.

It takes place in the sign of Cancer, the moon’s ruling zodiac sign, according to Donna Page, a professional astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology. This Full Moon is a time to get rid of beliefs and ideas that have been holding you back, and to release negative thought patterns that may hamper you from reaching your full potential, Aries! Here’s what this all means for you.

The Gemini Full Moon is all about your mind, and looking at whether your current ideologies are correct, or need some tweaking.

Reflect on what ideas you need to release, 2. The astrologer told This Morning: "The fact it was a Black Moon isn't as important as the fact it was a new moon. Here are all of the 13 named Full Moons, with the second Full Moon in a month known as a Blue Moon, of this year, with the date they will peak: See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper,