Many people don't know where they can sell them.

How long does it normally to take to find a buyer?As already mentioned, I'd try and sell them to another person rather than to a wholesaler.Best way to do this I've found is by using noticeboards that are around the faculty's buildings/classrooms, or if your university is like mine, they'll have a Facebook group specifically for dealing with secondhand textbooks.

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Best way to do this I've found is by using noticeboards that are around the faculty's buildings/classrooms, or if your university is like mine, they'll have a Facebook group specifically for dealing with secondhand textbooks.

I’d be open to buy it.Organic Chemistry, 2nd edition, by Thomas Sorrell.

This does require waiting until Fall when people are willing to buy them again.There may be a local used bookstore that handles used textbooks.

Best Place To Sell Textbooks | The AP Exam Schedule is up!

Put up a flyer saying the textbooks you have and at what price, and you'll get people buying them from you. Has anyone found a place to sell used textbooks, or books in general?

But before you place your textbooks on a bookshelf to collect dust, don't forget that you can get some money back for these books. While this may not offer a guaranteed payment like companies that buy back books can provide, you're typically able to get back more of your money if you can afford to wait until someone buys it.Otherwise, I'd call the companies you're interested in selling to and talk to an actual person to get a feel for the company. Would a place like half price books offer anything worthwhile?I usually sell my books on Amazon on my own.

You needed an access code to do your Psych homework because you already have the book, but it.Long story short, sell them on Amazon or on a local book exchange for your college.Absolute best would be directly to a student who needs it (eliminate the middle man).

There may be a local used bookstore that handles used textbooks. I spent every day being yelled at by students (and their parents....) for the amounts we offered for buy-backs. Has anyone found a place to sell used textbooks, or books in general?

ValoreBooks is a site where you can sell textbooks, buy used books, and rent books online. Also, it's important to look over their payment policy, check BBB/google approval, and for safety measures like Norton security approval. I'd assume I'd have to charge a few dollars less than what others are selling it for as a new seller with no reviews yet. I was going for $55, when on amazon the cheapest rentals tend to be $67 and buying the book runs even higher.I use ebay to sell my books. As it stands, pirating a textbook is still the best product for me. ).IMO - Amazon if you’re looking for the most likely place to get it sold at a decent price.

You spent $300 on this textbook for this semester?

2. Just use whatever website is more convenient for you.Press J to jump to the feed. And who you took o chem with? No admissions questions, cheating, memes, or illegal behavior/piracy.Press J to jump to the feed. save hide report.

This does require waiting until Fall when people are willing to buy them again. ISBN is 1891389386. Whether you’re an individual buyer or seller or work at the campus bookstore, this site will be able to work with you to … You're more than likely guaranteed to get more money for your books this way, it just might take a little longer to sell them.

By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If I need a real copy I can print it out. This is critical to avoid a scam and ensure that if things don't go smoothly you have a third-party group that will allow you to file a complaint.This is an interesting idea. share.